Values and Skills Assessment PSY 714 Instructor: Emily E. Bullock, Ph.D.
Values Assessment Rokeach’s Values Terminal Values: end states of existence Ex. Sense of Accomplishment; Self-Respect; True Love Instrumental Values: ways of acting and behaving in everyday life Ex. Ambitious, Obedient; Loving; Honest
Values Assessment- CACG and Card Sort Katz’s and SIGIPlus Values Variety Leadership Field of Interest Leisure Early Entry High Income Prestige Independence Helping Others Security Activity: Rate these values from 1-10, with 1 being the most valued.
Values Assessment: Minnesota Importance Questionnaire Defines values as “standards of importance” to a person Assessment presents 20 “psychological needs” which are grouped in the results as 6 “work-related values” Achievement --Altruism Comfort --Safety Status --Autonomy Some criticism on how a test taker’s scores as translated into their response to occupational choices
Values Assessment: Survey of Interpersonal Values “Measures 6 ways in which an individual could want to relate to other people.” --Support --Conformity --Recognition --Independence --Benevolence --Leadership Test Retest reliability ranges from .65-.76 making the instrument questionable for individual interpretation
Skills Assessment in Career Counseling Name some ways to assess your client’s skills.
Skills Assessment Eureka Skills Inventory Worksheet ACT Inventory of Work-Relevant Abilities (IWRA)
Skills Assessment-GATB General Aptitude Test Battery: measures nine distinct aptitudes using 12 separate tests (eight pencil and paper tests, and four performance tests): G - General Learning Ability V - Verbal Aptitude N - Numerical Aptitude S - Spatial Aptitude P - Form Perception Q - Clerical Perception K - Motor Co-ordination F - Finger Dexterity M - Manual Dexterity
Skills Assessment-DAT Differential Aptitude Test: a series of assessments designed to measure an individual's ability to learn or to succeed in a number of different areas Verbal Reasoning Numerical Ability Abstract Reasoning Mechanical Reasoning Space Relations Language Usage -
Skills Assessment--MAB-II Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II: Designed 'to provide a measure of general cognitive ability or intelligence.' Two main scales (Verbal and Performance) with subscales similar to Wechsler scales Great reliability and convergent validity when compared to WAIS Can not conclusively tell you if you will be “good” at a particular occupation
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) For use in educational and vocational counseling and to stimulate interest in job and training opportunities in the Armed Forces 3 main career exploration scales yielded Verbal Math Science & Technical Incorporates an “Interest Finder” that utilizes Holland’s Theory
Skills Assessment