(please view in slide mode) Please handle ONLY YOUR OWN sample! (please view in slide mode)
STANDARD BLOOD SAMPLING PROTOCOL Standard precautions apply to contact with blood, all body fluids, secretions, and excretions except sweat, regardless of whether they contain blood. The center for disease control (CDC) recommends standard precautions based on the rational that medical history and examination cannot reliably identify all patients with blood borne pathogens. Please adhere to the following procedure when sampling blood using the unistik 3 disposable lancets.
Preparations Wash hands with soap and water Assemble all the necessary items (see photo below) Set up a clean sheet of absorbent bench paper Onto the clean paper set the 5 items below: 1 band-aid, opened, ready to use 3 sterile alcohol prep pads, opened, & ready to use Unistik 3 lancet 1 test strip Glucometer
Step 1: Choose the sample site.
Step 2: Place test-strip into glucometer Display will show the number on the test strip bottle, then switch to the screen with the blood droplet display.
Step 3: Twist the cap to “Unlock” the lancet and continue to twist until the cap separates easily from the body. DO NOT PULL!! Step 4: Press platform firmly against the chosen site and press the release button.
Step 5: Dispose of lancet in a sharps container. Step 6: Touch tip of the test strip to the droplet of blood at a 45° angle Read the value of blood glucose on the glucometer screen
Step 7: Clean the sample site with an alcohol prep pad and bandage after each test. Place these used materials in red biohazard bags provided. Step 8: Remove test strip from glucometer and place into red biohazard bag
Step 9: Clean the tip of the glucometer with a clean alcohol pad Step 10: Place your used absorbent paper into red biohazard bag Wash your hands with soap and water