Open and Hidden Charm at PANDA Tobias Stockmanns for the PANDA collaboration Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charm an ideal testbench for QCD Charm quark has large mass (~1.5 GeV), compared to the masses of u, d, s quarks; Velocity of the charm quarks in hadrons is not too relativistic (v/c)2~0.2; Strong coupling constant as(mc) is ~ 0.3. Therefore: Charmonium spectroscopy is a good testing ground for the theories of strong interactions: QCD in both perturbative and nonperturbative regimes QCD inspired purely phenomenological potential models NRQCD and Lattice QCD v/c depending on state charm sector very attractive to test QCD Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charmonium Spectroscopy Charmonium is a bound state of a cc. The QCD analog of positronium in QED 1 fm C Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charmonium Spectroscopy Best understood region in charmonium spectrum - direct production in e+/e- annihilation despite 30 years of measurements many parameters with poor precision Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charmonium Spectroscopy Ground state with large uncertanties in mass and width PDG2007 M(c) = 2979.8 1.2 MeV/c2 (c) = 26.5 3.5 MeV Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charmonium Spectroscopy h‘c seen 2002 by Belle with much higher mass than cristall ball (1986 : 3594 ± 5 MeV/c2) – later confirmed by CLEO and BaBar PRL 89(2002)102001 h‘c M(’c) = 3638 4 MeV/c2 (’c) = 14 7 MeV Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charmonium Spectroscopy hc – very low statistics width unknown PRD 72(2005)032001 E835 New data from CLEO-c with much higher statistics Cleo checken und einbauen hc important for hyperfine splitting (should be 0) M(hc) = 3525.93 0.27 MeV/c2 (hc) < 1 MeV Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charmonium Spectroscopy Region above DD-threshold – new possible charmonium states from Bell and BaBar Z(3930) observed by Belle Decay mode DD JPC = 0++ or 2++ possible c‘c2 Y(3940) observed by Belle 2005 lower mass and smaller width measured by BaBar would fit to 23P1 X(3943) observed by Belle 2007 would fit to h‘‘c narrow D-wave states not observed Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charmonium Spectroscopy Region above DD-threshold – new charmonium like states X(3872) Belle 2003 confirmed by BaBar, CDF, D0 not charmonium D0D*0 molecule ? 4 quark state ? Y(4260) BaBar 2006 confirmed by Belle, Cleo-c wcc1 molecule ? hybrid meson ? 4 quark state ? omega! Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Charmonium Spectroscopy Region above DD-threshold – new charmonium like states Y(4350) BaBar 2007 recently confirmed by Belle Z± (4430) Belle 2007 qq cannot create charged hidden charm. Smoking gun for: 4 quark state ? meson molecule ? Y(4660) Belle 2007 recently discovered Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Open Issues in Charmonium Spectroscopy All 8 states below threshold have been observed: hc seen by CLEO with higher statistics, its properties need to be measured accurately. The agreement between the various measurements of the c mass and width is not satisfactory. New, high-precision measurments are needed. The large value of the total width needs to be understood. The study of the c has just started. Small splitting from the must be understood. Width and decay modes must be measured. The angular distributions in the radiative decay of the triplet P states must be measured with higher accuracy. The entire region above open charm threshold must be explored in great detail, in particular: the missing D-wave states must be found the newly discovered states understood (cc, exotics, multiquark, ...) Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Open Charm Spectroscopy D spectroscopy is the QCD analogon to hydrogen atom Narrow states Ds0(2317) and Ds1 (2458) recently discovered at B factories do not fit theoretical calculations. Quantum numbers for the newest states DsJ(2700) and DsJ (2880) open At full luminosity at p momenta larger than 6.4 GeV/c PANDA will produce large numbers of DD pairs. Despite small signal/background ratio (510-6) background situation favourable because of limited phase space for additional hadrons in the same process. Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Why antiprotons? e+e- → y’ → gc1,2 → gge+e- → ggJ/y Production: → gJ/y → ge+e- pp→ c1,2 Formation: e+e- annihilation via virtual photon: only states with Jpc = 1-- (to first order) 3500 3520 MeV 3510 CBall ev./2 MeV 100 ECM CBall E835 1000 E 835 ev./pb cc1 Measured rate Beam Resonance cross section CM Energy In pp annihilation all mesons can be formed !e+e- Luminosity <-> pp! Resolution of the mass and width is only limited by the beam momentum resolution Br(e+e- → y) ·Br(y → ghc) = 2.5 10-5 Br(pp → hc) = 1.2 10-3 Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Detailed simulation studies As an example: width of Ds0*(2317) in reaction ppDsDs0*(2317) very preliminary Method: energy scan around threshold count signal events determine excitation function extract width Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich 14 Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Physics Reach At 21032cm-2s-1 accumulate 8 pb-1/day (assuming 50 % overall efficiency) 104 -107 (cc) states/day. pp Y(3770)D+D- (~3 nb) K+/-p-/+p-/+ (~30 pb) 240 counts/day Total integrated luminosity 1.5 fb-1/year (at 21032cm-2s-1, assuming 6 months/year data taking). Improvements with respect to Fermilab E760/E835: Up to ten times higher instantaneous luminosity. Better beam momentum resolution p/p = 4x10-5 (HESR) vs 210-4 (FNAL) Better detector (higher angular coverage, magnetic field, ability to detect hadronic decay modes). Fine scans to measure masses and widths to 100 keV Explore entire region below and above open charm threshold. Decay channels J/+X , J/ e+e-, J/ m+m- gg hadrons DD Mehr konkrete Simulationsergebnisse von PANDA Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Main Physics Program PANDA – AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt qq potential in the charmonium system precision measurements of cc-states (not only JPC = 1--) cc above DD-threshold measurement of D-mesons Search for Hybrids qqg and/or Glueballs gg Spectroscopy of new charm states Charmed and multi-strange baryon spectroscopy EM Endzunstände Spektroscopy von neuen Charmzuständen Electromagnetic processes (ppe+e-, ppgg, Drell-Yan) Properties of single and double hypernuclei Properties of hadrons in nuclear matter Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
High Energy Storage Ring Detector Electron cooler E<8 GeV Injection Pmax = 15 GeV/c High resol. Mode: L = 1031 cm-2 s-1 p/p < 4x10-5 High lum. Mode: L = 2·1032 cm-2 s-1 p/p < 10-4 Cooling: electron/stochastic HESR Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich PANDA Spectrometer Detector requirements: 4p coverage (partial-wave-analysis) high rates (107 annihilations/s) good PID (g, e, m, p, K, p) momentum res. (~1%) vertexing für D, K0S, L (ct = 123 mm for D0, p/m »2) efficient trigger (e, m, K, D, L) no hardware trigger (raw data rate ~TB/s) Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich 18 Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007 18
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich PANDA Spectrometer Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich 19 Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
PANDA Spectrometer Pellet or cluster jet target Dipole magnet for forward tracks Solenoid magnet for high p t tracks: Superconducting coil & iron return yoke Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich 20 Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Forward Drift Chambers Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich PANDA Spectrometer Silicon Microvertex Central Tracker Forward Drift Chambers Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich 21 Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich PANDA Spectrometer Muon Detectors Forward RICH Barrel DIRC Barrel TOF Endcap DIRC Forward TOF Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich 22 Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich PANDA Spectrometer PWO Calorimeters Forward Shashlyk EMC Hadron Calorimeter Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich 23 Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Requirements MVD Good spatial resolution in r-phi momentum measurement of soft pions from D* decays Good spatial resolution especially in z D-tagging Good time resolution (O(20 ns)) ‘DC’-beam (107 events/s) Low material low momentum particles Amplitude measurement dE/dx for particle identification Modest radiation hardness (1014 neq / cm2) Moderate occupancy Triggerless readout no first level hardware trigger Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Micro-Vertex-Detector 40 cm Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Technology options considered New readout electronics in 130 nm technology (INFN Torino) Thin electronics 50 µm Thin (100-150 µm) epitaxial silicon sensor „Edgless“ sensors 3D-Integration of sensor and readout electronics Optical data readout as early as possible Serial powering Full carbon support structure Use of new carbon foam materials Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich 26 Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Summary Charm physics is one of the hot topics within the hadron physics community The B-factories have produced many new states which do not fit into the standard picture of charmonium or open charm To pin down the characteristics of these new states and to discovere the missing ones the future PANDA experiment with its high momentum anti-proton beam is the ideal tool last point bigger !Less text! Method from Albrecht M2 vs sqrt s Simulation results from Klaus Götzen Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich PANDA collaboration Basel, Beijing, Bochum, Bonn, Brescia, Bucharest, Catania, Cracow, Dresden, Dubna, Edinburgh, Erlangen, Evanston, Ferrara, Frankfurt, Frascati, Genova, Gießen, Glasgow, GSI, Helsinki, Jülich, Katowice, Lanzhou, Mainz, Milano, Minsk, München, Münster, Novosibirsk, Orsay, Pavia, Protvino, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Tomsk, Torino, Trieste, Tübingen, Uppsala, Valencia, Warsaw, Wien, Mumbai, Moscow, 17 countries – 55 institutes – 450 scientists Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007
Central Tracker – 2 options Time Projection Chamber Straw Tube Tracker 1 m 1 cm Tobias Stockmanns, FZ Jülich Hadron 2007, 12. October 2007