E-Poster Steps: ISBMR-2017 10-12 November, 2017 Step 1: Open new Power point. Step 2: Go to the Menu Bar (located on top). Step 3: Under the option “Design”, choose the Slide Orientation tab. Step 4: Drop down menu appears; Choose “Landscape Mode” from the option. Step 5: From the same Menu Bar (Under the heading “Design”), Go to “Page Setup” option. Step 6:than to the Slide Size Option . You select widescreen (16:9) These presentations would be made through the large electronic boards (LED screens) (42 inches diagonal) put up in the poster area. LEDs will be displayed in a Landscape mode.
We are sending you the basic guidelines, which you need to follow while preparing your E-Poster. E-poster Guidelines: You will make presentation displayed horizontally with settings of 16:9 ratio in your power point presentation. The template is attached for your reference.. You will have to send your presentation ahead of time to avoid last moment problems. Please remember that the last day for submission of E-posters to the organizing committee is 30th October, 2017. These E-Posters will be preloaded in the designated area. The E-posters have been grouped together according to subjects. Each presenter will be given three minutes to make/deliver the presentation with the help of the slides projected on the LED screens. The judges for the E-posters and the audience may ask a couple of questions to clarify the work. You are advised to stick to the following guidelines while preparing the slides. E-poster presentation will consists of (1) title, authors, affiliation etc (2) Objectives, methods (3) Results and conclusions The presenter need to register for ISBMR 2017. Each E-poster session will have a winner and will be given prizes. The decision of judges will be final. Attach your E-Poster in your mail as a PPT or Zip File The mail has to be send on below mentioned coordinate isbmr2017@gmail.com For any further assistance please feel free to call us at below mentioned coordinates Contact Person: Mr. Manoj +91 9888499213