Cameras & Pictures Shaw STEM Lab 2014 7th Grade STEM Lab Cameras & Pictures Shaw STEM Lab 2014
Pictures At the end of this PowerPoint you and your partner should be able to describe: The two methods of taking pictures in the STEM Lab. Camera Print Screen How to incorporate the pictures you took in your Word document and Presentation.
Picture Guidelines For each engagement it is HIGHLY suggested that you include pictures of your work. These pictures may be in any combination of either Camera Pictures or Print Screen Pictures Some engagements will only use camera pictures or print screens
Our Classroom Cameras We have three picture (still) & one video camera Camera 4 is the video camera You’ll be using either camera 1, 2 or 3 for this portion When using the camera the wrist strap should be around your wrist whenever you’re using it. Be respectful of our cameras You are responsible for it until you check it back in!
Using the Camera On/Off Switch To take pictures To look at pictures To zoom in/out Press down half to focus (on top) Press down completely to take pictures To look at pictures Press the Green Arrow
Putting the camera away Make sure The camera is OFF Place it in the camera bag Zip the bag close
Finding Camera Pictures Pictures taken this way will be available the next day. You may not take pictures on the last day of an engagement! In order to access the pictures; find and double click the icon on the desktop entitled “Transfer on CLS-Server.” Double click the “7th Grade” Folder. Double click on your Period’s Folder. Once you find your picture copy and paste your picture into your Word Document.
Mr. Ochs TIP! To make finding your pictures easier change the view from “Details” to “Extra Large Icons” Select “View” then click on “Extra Large Icons” This will create a small picture of each picture and make it easier to find your picture! Right click on your picture Select “Copy” Right click in your Word document & select “Paste”
Print Screen Print screens or “screen shots” or “screen grabs” take a picture of whatever is on your monitor. In order to take a print screen, find and press the print screen button It will look like nothing happened. Once you press the button you must immediately paste the picture into your document. Print screens are not saved!
Mr. Ochs TIP! Paste your print screen immediately so you don’t forget! You may either right click on the mouse button and select paste. OR Press Ctrl and V on the keyboard
Picture Assignment Check out a camera Take at least three (3) pictures of different important items, or aspects of our STEM Lab. Remember; these pictures will be available the NEXT DAY. The next day find your pictures in your periods folder on the transfer file. Insert your three (3) pictures in your Word document. Formulate a caption for each picture Take a print screen of your monitor. Paste at least one (1) print screen into your Word Document.
Picture Assignment Requirements The following should be incorporated in your Word document Three (3) pictures, with captions from around the STEM Lab. One (1) print screen (screen grab, screen shot) with a caption. Remember! The requirements for this Orientation are just for this Orientation! For every other engagement you will determine what type of picture(s) should be included.
Keep Going After you’ve completed this PowerPoint, go back to the Student Orientation PowerPoint. Pick up on slide 10.