Sh, th, ch, ck.
-k, -ck, or –ke a the end of a word?
Wilson Reading System Substep 2.1 Lesson 1.
Digraph /sh/. shop A place where you can buy things. A book shop sells books.
The Digraphs Ch and Sh Al-Bashair Private School.
Spot spit spat slotslipslap slickstop stick. rest test chest fast castvest mistfist blend.
Consonant Digraphs Second Grade Spelling/Phonics.
wash push moth toss cloth boss oddballs cash rich much fresh class
A Crash in the Shed By Geri Murray. The sun is hot. Jan says, “Tim, let’s swim. "No, let's fish," says Tim. “Let's swim and then fish," says Jan..
Substep 1.6 Mandy Ellis Wilder Waite Elementary School
Consonant Digraphs th, wh, sh, ch (tch)
Dear Class, Today we learn about hermit crabs. Do you think you would want to hold a hermit crab? I would want to hold a hermit crab because ____________.
VOWELS: A, E, I, O, U, CONSONANTS: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Word Families Short i Created by Myriam Capella Literacy Coach Rialto Unified School District Adapted by Shawn Dauss.
Wilson Reading System Substep 1.3 Lesson 2.
Old Rabbit and Fox: Part 1 Old Rabbit hops a little path. He sees a little box on a rock. There are six candles in the box. Old Rabbit puts the box in.
Grade 1 Theme 5 Decoding. Theme 5 Week 1 Digraphs sh = sheep th = thumb wh = whale.
Wilson Reading System Substep 1.5. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill.
Wilson Reading System Substep 1.3.
Primary 2 Term 1 & 2 Week 1 a,b, ll Tsuen Wan Catholic Primary School.
Dear Class, Today you will hear a story about two frogs who go out exploring. Do you think they will walk or take the car? Theme 5 Week 1 day 1 TG page.
At ~ o’clock at 7 o’clock.
Bible and English Mrs. DesMarais Lesson # 41 Josiah and the Scroll.
Wilson Reading System Substep 1.3. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill.
The Fox and the Hen A thin fox goes to see what he can see. And what he can see is a pen with hens, chicks, and a big duck. "Mmm," thinks the fox. "I will.
Wilson Reading System Substep 1.6. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill.
Wilson Reading System Substep 1.3. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill.
DataWORKS Educational Research (800) ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? Kindergarten Reading.
Green words Speed Sounds set 1. 1:1 mad sad dad.
SIPPS Beginning Level s 1A -CS. SIPPS Beginning Level n 3-CS.
When we are searching for answers, whom can we ask? Click to listen to story.
Phonic aerobics Foundation Stage s snake a ant.
Presentation by Olive Douglas to the National Department
Plurals ending in an s sound By the end of this lesson you should be able to: Identify when the plural needs to be indicated using ies or s Identify when.
Melissa Houlong Elementary School
How the Leopard Got His Spots
Green words Speed Sounds set 1
Practice Words and Sentences: (High Frequency Words)
The Pet Fish: Part 2 Dad helps set up the fish tank.
Phonics Short Vowels a, i
Author : Pat Cummings Genre: Informational Text
In un ig od Word Families ot og at ip it an ub ut ap et en ad op ed ug.
created by Karen Howard 2014
Wilson Reading System Substep 1.5.
D I s , a ·.... l8l8.
Jamaica Louise James Day 1 Created By: Melissa Castañeda.
Pronunciation sounds /sh/ /ch/
I am learning my phonemes.
Day 6 Open Court Phonics and Fluency Blending and Developing Oral Language
ll ss ck Blends Word endings
Which sound can you hear?
I ll I
I am learning my phonemes.
Which sound can you hear?
امتحانات میں شامل سوالات کے برے ،اچھے اور بہترین نمونے
Sh Christine Robinson Kindly contributed to the Adult Basic Skills Resource Centre Christine Robinson, Stockton Adult.
Which sound can you hear?
I am learning my phonemes.
I am learning my phonemes.
Which sound can you hear?
' 1 A ./.\.l+./.\.l
x as in ticks (cks) (graph) y (e) prefix in, im
Riff did not kill the skunk. He did not like the bad smell.
ch ch as in chalk tch as in match tu as in tumble ti as in tight
Week Beginning: Monday 2nd September 2019
Ms. Jones Classroom Newsletter September Upcoming Events
sh, th, ch, ck
sh i p ship
sh o p shop
sh e ll shell
w i sh wish
sh a g shag
d i sh dish
s w i sh swish
p push u sh
bash b a sh
i n shin sh
u t shut sh
a th bath b
e n then th
moth m o th
with w i th
that th a t
this th i s
thug th u g
moth m o th
them th e m
chin ch i n
chap ch a p
chill ch i ll
chug ch u g
chop ch o p
much m u ch
chat ch a t
ch i m p chimp
such s u ch
sock s o ck
lock l o ck
tuck t u ck
duck d u ck
tick t i ck
sack s a ck
dock d o ck
lick l i ck
buck b u ck
rock r o ck
back b a ck
s t i ck stick
ch i ck chick
u ck Ch Chuck
i ck R Rick