Upper Primary Week 2 Focus


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Presentation transcript:

Upper Primary Week 2 Focus ‘ w sounds spelled wh’

The Rule wh The digraph sound ‘wh’ is not spelt any other way and is found at the beginning of words.

wharf wheeze

whimsical whirlwind

whisper whistleblower

whittle whitewash

Whippersnapper whiplash

whey whimper

whisk Whitsunday


wharf wh-ar-f Sounds: 3 Digraphs: wh, ar Syllables: wharf = 1 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, ar Syllables: wharf = 1

wheeze wh-ee-ze Sounds: 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraph) Diagraphs: wh, ee, ze Syllables: wheeze = 1

whimsical wh-i-m-s-i-c-a-l Sounds: 8 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh Syllables: whim / si / cal = 3

whirlwind wh-i-r-l-w-i-n-d Sounds: 8 Digraphs: wh (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh Syllables: whirl / wind = 2

whisper wh-i-s-p-er Sounds: 5 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, er Syllables: whis/ per = 2

whistleblower wh-i-st-le-b-l-ow-er Sounds: 8 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, st, le, ow, er Syllables: whist / le / blow / er = 4

whittle wh-i-tt-le Sounds: 4 Digraphs: wh, tt, le (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, tt, le Syllables: whitt/ le = 2

whitewash wh-i-te-w-a-sh Sounds: 6 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, te, sh Syllables: white / wash = 2

whippersnapper wh-i-pp-er-s-n-a-pp-er Sounds: 9 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, pp, er Syllables: whipp / er / snapp / er = 4

whiplash wh-i-p-l-a-sh Sounds: 6 Digraphs: wh, sh (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, sh Syllables: whip / lash = 2

whey wh-ey Sounds: 2 Digraphs: wh, ey Syllables: whey = 1 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, ey Syllables: whey = 1

whimper wh-i-m-p-er Sounds: 5 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, er Syllables: whim / per = 2

whisk wh-i-s-k Sounds: 4 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh Syllables: whisk = 1

whitsunday wh-i-t-s-u-n-d-ay Sounds: 8 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, ay Syllables: whit / sunday = 2

whiteboard wh-i-te-b-oar-d Sounds: 6 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: wh, te Trigraphs: oar Syllables: white / board = 2