Author : Pat Cummings Genre: Informational Text The Four Seasons Author : Pat Cummings Genre: Informational Text
Word Work - Digraphs sh, wh, ph sh ip sh op sh ell wh ip gra ph Ph il
Practice fi sh sh ut sh ed gra ph wh ip wh ich
Let’s Read 1. sip ship hip whip sack shack 2. shed shell which whiz grass graph 3. wham whim shop ship dishes dashes 4. shell fish when shut graph whip 5. path check then strip 6. match scrub flip jam 7. ship shipped hip whipping wrap wrapped 8. Phil wished fro a new bat. 9. Phil and Dad play catch.
Word Reading ship which whip math shell shop graph dashes think that strip Phil path match whipping shed porch bathtub grass chick
Cause and Effect Sometimes one event can cause another event to happen. The cause happens first. It makes something else happen. The effect is what happens next. As you read, think about what happens and why. You can use a chart to show how events are connected.
The Four Seasons Day 2
Word Work this chase dash rock dish well might shape cash
Let’s Read 1. sip ship hip whip sack shack 2. shed shell which whiz grass graph fish when 3. wham whim shop ship dishes dashes shut graph 4. path check then strip 5. match scrub flip jam 6. ship shipped whip whipping wrap wrapped 7. Shan went to Phil’s shop. Shan fell in the slush.
High Frequency Words down fall goes green grow new open yellow
The Four Seasons Day 3
Words to Read did shut whip chin shock graph which
High - Frequency Words down fall goes green grow new open yellow
Let’s Read Contractions with ‘s and n’t had hadn’t is isn’t did didn’t that that’s it it’s he he’s aren’t what’s haven’t hasn’t it’s that’s what isn’t whip hadn’t dish graph grasses jumped crib black misses strip quiz vet Knob kneel lamb wren badge bridge Ralph didn’t rush. 9. It’s not a bad job.
The Four Seasons Day 4
Word Reading shell which when fish ant’s graph hasn’t thumping Chuck’s what’s wrapped shed isn’t duck’s Shan haven’t match Dutch aren’t whipping seasons which that’s
Sentences What are the four seasons? My family hasn’t been skiing in winter. Beth’s dog likes to swim in the summer. We aren't’ going to shop at the mall today. Colin plants a garden in the spring.
High Frequency Words Unit 3 blue cold far little been brown know never down fall goes green live their water where off out own very grow new open yellow
High Frequency Words Unit 2 away call come every hear said her now our after draw picture read was write animal how make of some why she today would eat give one put small take
High Frequency Words Unit 1 and be help play with you for have he look too what do find funny sing no they all does here me my who friend full good hold many pull