Our 1st Grade Classroom News Week of October 9th – 13th Email: valorietrombley@johnston.k12.nc.us Important Information Dates to know * Thank you so much for continuing to help your 1st Grader earn pledges for our Fun Run. We are so excited to receive a portion of the funds raised for our classroom this year!! We have already earned a Homework Pass for our team prize & hope to earn more class incentives soon! We hope you will join us at Riverwood Middle School for the Fun Run on Thursday, 10/12 at 12:15! 10/9: Fire Department visit (students only) 10/12: Fun Run at 12:15pm 10/12: Family Dinner Night at McDonald’s 10/19: Field Trip 10/31: Early Release/End of 1st Quarter 10/31: Halloween Snack at 12:45 11/1: No School for students 11/3: RES Spirit Day 11/9: Report Cards go home 11/10: No School! 11/22-11/24: No School 12/1: RES Spirit Day 12/13: Progress Reports go home! Our Learning Focus Theme: Fire Safety Math: composing and decomposing 2D shapes, defining shape attributes, and filling a specified region with shapes Phonics: Digraphs – wh, ch, sh, th, ck (When 2 letters go together to make one new sound.) Reading Focus: Identifying the main topic and retelling key details of a story Writing Focus: Writing informative/explanatory texts that name a topic, supplies facts about that topic, and provides some sense of closure Science: Balance and Motion Words to Remember WWW: who, what, when, where, there, here Bonus Words: None this week!! (focus on regular word wall words please) Word Families: -ack, -ash, -ask