Welcome to An Introduction to Rowing & Sculling for Beginners WEDNESDAY 7th SEPTEMBER 7.00pm-8.00pm
What we aim to do for you To make you feel welcome and valued as a course member. To introduce you to the sport of rowing in a way that is fun but also challenging. To ensure that you are safe and all times and that you are aware of how you keep yourself safe on and off the water. To get you to a stage where you can row confidently in a crew. Provide you with information on how you can join a local club if you wish to continue rowing
What we would like you to do Tell one of the coaches if you feel uncertain about what you are asked to do, or you feel unsafe or unwell at any time. Be supportive of each other at all times. Do your best to follow the Safety Rules that will be explained to you
Course of Six Weeks Wednesday evenings – 6.00pm – 8pm Saturday mornings – 10.30am-12.30pm Please make all sessions that you can We will work in set groups so communication with each other is vital
Subscriptions Introductory Membership - £35 Current full subscriptions - £170 Annual Subscriptions 1st April – end March
Learning To Row/scull Be patient – learning can take many months of water time Coaches are all volunteers who take time out to assist beginners Our aim is to teach basic skills to be capable to use a single scull
Safety and water skills Poor skills can lead to boat damage or personal injury Watch out for river conditions Stay club side of weir until authorised by coach Stay with the boat – it’s a buoyancy aid.
What to wear Always bring spare kit (and towel) Normal sports clothes – old trainers Light weight – layers are best. Nothing heavy you - may fall in water Club kit available at Godfrey.co.uk
Competition Available throughout year Club fun events – single sprints Head season September – April – timed races over 2000m- 7000m Regatta season April to September – side by side 500m – 2000m Club fun events – single sprints
Fitness To race you need to be fit Competing crews will train – 3-11 times a week Ergos are the best rowing trainer – but weights and other classes also good
Social Summer Party Crew Supper Christmas Party Scratch regatta Annual Dinner Dance
Run form