Educational Technologist (Staff) PEGGY’S PERSONA Name: Gina G. User Type: Educational Technologist (Staff) Quote: Faculty are posting materials to the online course that are copyright protected. What can they post safely? Gina supports Faculty learning technologies, but has no idea how much the Library can help support her work. Goals & Needs Obstacles & Pain Points Opportunities Needs to know if Faculty can post PDFs for the joint program with college in Ireland Faculty want to post items that may be copyright protected, but they think it’s okay to post anything they want Gina doesn’t know copyright law Gina doesn’t associate the Library with copyright expertise Give Gina information on copyright in a LibGuide Market the Library’s expertise on copyright Provide support & answer questions at curriculum meetings Needs to educate Faculty on how to create videos for their classes Faculty don’t know how to use the necessary software(s) Creating workshops and teaching Faculty the necessary tools is too time consuming for one person Offer workshops on Camtasia Online software tutorials Highlight Library’s CLE expertise Borrowing account? No Most-used library na Desktop PC Internet Explorer 11 Most-used tech Parnassus Campus Interest in in-person events & help None Very Into It