Action Plan Update and Goals


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Presentation transcript:

2016-17 Action Plan Update and 2017-18 Goals Timberlane Regional High School

2016-17 Goals in Review Goal #1: In the 2016-2017 School Year TRHS will further develop our Response to Instruction (RTI) model to ensure student success in the following areas – Academics, Attendance, and Behavior as measured by: A 3% increase in students performing at or above benchmark on the STAR reading and math assessments (grades 9 and 10), A 3% increase in students performing at or above benchmark on the SAT (grade 11), A 5% increase in student attendance rates, A 5% decrease in office behavioral referrals.

Goal #2: In 2016-2017, TRHS will foster a positive school culture that increases levels of support and communication with our school community members (students, teachers and parents) as measured by: Data collected by TRHS Data Team to drive positive change, Participation in academic and co-curricular activities, Increase in communication with community by use of multiple platforms (School Messenger, TPAF, social media, etc.). Goal #3: In the 2016-17 school year, TRHS will work in collaboration with all district schools to continue to develop and align curricula to the state and national standards as demonstrated by the approval of a fully aligned K-12 district curriculum in all content areas by June 2017 and full implementation by June 2019.

2016-17 Reflections and highlights Total Discipline Referrals – down 27% Class cuts - down 13%. SAT Reading - 3% increase ; SAT Math - 5% increase. Tripod Survey - 24 point increase in Classroom Management (our focus area). Achieve 3000 – Over 2 times the expected Lexile growth. 9-12 competency based curriculum documents - board approved in all subject areas. Competency rubrics and assessments – currently being drafted and reviewed.

2017-18 School Goals Goal #1: TRHS will improve positive student behaviors in the classroom that affect teaching and learning through a multi-leveled system of supporting students and teachers as evidenced by decreased student discipline referrals and increased positive reporting by High School faculty and staff. Goal #2: In 2017-2018, TRHS will foster a positive school culture that increases levels of support and communication with our school community members (students, teachers and parents) as measured by: Data collected by TRHS Data Team to drive positive change, Participation in academic and co-curricular activities, Increase in communication with community by use of multiple platforms (School Messenger, TPAF, social media, etc.).

Goal #3: In the 2017-18 school year, TRHS will work in collaboration with all district schools to continue to develop instructional and assessment practices aligned to our competency based curriculum with the goal of full creation of an assessment and reporting program by June 2019.

Continuing and alternative education

2016-17 Goals in review GOAL #1: By June 2017, the Timberlane Continuing and Alternative Education Program will work to develop processes and protocols associated with the HiSET program to include accountability measures, expectations for participation, parental involvement, eligibility requirements, and redefined roles and responsibilities of participating parties. GOAL #2: By June 2017 the Timberlane Regional School District Grant Management Team will develop a data-driven, needs based system for grant writing, acquisition, and management as measured by the development of a grant writing handbook and the acquisition of at least one grant this year.

GOAL #3: By June of 2017 the Timberlane Continuing and Alternative Education Program will utilize various data-based measures to monitor and report out student and program progress and to make programmatic decisions for the enhancement of the Continuing and Alternative Education Program.

2016-17 Reflections and highlights Regular meetings of a HiSET Team to discuss student progress and support. The attendance system and tracking of student hours for HiSET has been implemented. Continued work to incorporate Work Hours, Internships, and ELO’s for HiSET students. Clear communication pathways have been established for the HiSet program that extends to the Day Division and SAU. A collection and reporting schedule for Evening Division and Summer School data has been created.

2017-18 Goal Statements Goal #1 –By June 2018, the Timberlane Continuing and Alternative Education Program will work to develop processes and protocols associated with the HiSET program to include accountability measures, expectations for participation, parental involvement, eligibility requirements, and redefined roles and responsibilities of participating parties. Goal #2 – By June 2018 the Timberlane Regional School District Evening Division Program will develop a dual enrollment program that will offer at least two college level classes during the evening division program hours of operation (4-8 PM).

Goal #3 – By June of 2018 the Timberlane Continuing and Alternative Education Program will utilize various data-based measures to monitor and report out student and program progress and to make programmatic decisions for the enhancement of the Continuing and Alternative Education Program.


2016-17 Goals in Review Goal #1 – During the 2016-2017 School Year, the Timberlane Athletic Department will re-establish a Hall of Fame Committee. Goal #2- Create Professional Development opportunities for Middle School and High School Coaches throughout the 2016-2017 School Year. Goal #3- Develop a comprehensive plan to address the needs of the TRSD Fields and Gymnasiums.

2016-17 Reflections and highlights TRHS Athletic Department held its first Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in 22 years on September 20, 2017. Middle School and High School Coaches participated in NHIAA Certification Programs: First-aid/CPR, Concussion Education, Heat Acclimatization. Also, provided coaches with NFHS Coaches Education online course opportunities. Meeting with Tom Geary, Rodney Mills and Gerald Dow to assess the indoor and outdoor needs of the Athletic Fields. Sending a written needs assessment to all members of the Maintenance and Grounds Leadership Team.

2017-18 Goal Statements Goal #1- Update and Improve our Athletic Department Emergency Action Plans Goal #2- Work with Superintendent and Plant Operations personnel to develop short term and long term priorities for the facility needs of the Athletic Department

Music Department

2016-17 Goals Areas in Review Goal #1 – Increased student and whole group involvement/achievement in All State and other music festivals and competitions. Goal #2- Creation of a Performing Arts Council. Goal #3- Creation and approval of an aligned K-12 music curriculum for both general music and performing groups, as well as secondary electives.

2016-17 Reflections and highlights TRHS Music department had 74 student participants in the Chamber, Jazz and All State Band, Chorus and Orchestra Festivals. We had 3 students participate in the All Eastern Conference in Baltimore, MD. 5 music ensembles participated in Large Group Festival – HS groups with highest honors and MS groups receiving a B rating. The Performing Arts Council was formed and held bi-monthly meetings. All music curriculum K-12 was written and approved by the school board.

2017-18 Goal Statements Goal #1 – During the 2017-2018 School Year, the TRHS/MS Music department will explore impact of block scheduling at the high school as measured by data collected on: impact on student schedules impact on teaching schedules for teaching staff impact on the utilization of facilities for the HS and MS. the needed changes in teaching modes and instructional delivery. Goal # 2 – In the 2017/2018 school year the music department will continue the curriculum process of analyzing and developing the implementation portion of the District K-12 Music Department curriculum.

Goal # 3 – In the 2017/2018 school year the performing arts department will finalize the process for the Performing Arts Hall of Fame.