South-East European Space Introduction of the future South-East European Space transnational programme Venice, 16 June 2006. Béla HEGYESI VATI Hungary
Content History Present situation Future
INTERREG IIIB transnational co-operation 13 Co-operation areas
CADSES Priorities and measures
Present situation CADSES will be divided (different development needs in Central and South-East Europe) Parallel programming of the new spaces (synergies to make advantage of) Lessons learned in CADSES + new challenges to meet
Future: Overall principles of programme implementation The implementation will be is based on the following principles: Compliance with EC regulations; Efficient and effective programme management; Balance between structures; Accessibility; Clear transnational management profile; Cost efficiency; Involvement of Partner States;
Basis of future priorities EC proposal for a regulation on the European Regional Development Fund (9 March 2006): „transnational cooperation shall be concentrated primarily on the following priorities: Innovation Environment Accessibility Sustainable urban development
Innovation: the creation and development of scientific and technological networks, and the enhancement of regional R&TD and innovation capacities, where these have a direct contribution to the balanced economic development of trans-national areas. Actions may include: the establishment of networks between appropriate tertiary education and research institutions and SMEs; links to improve access to scientific knowledge and technology transfer between R&TD facilities and international centres of R&TD excellence; twinning of technology transfer institutions; and development of joint financial engineering instruments directed at supporting R&TD in SMEs.
Environment: water management, energy efficiency, risk prevention and environmental protection activities with a clear trans-national dimension. Actions may include: protection and management of river basins, coastal zones, marine resources, water services and wetlands; flood prevention (fire prevention; draught prevention; desertification prevention); the promotion of maritime security and protection against natural and technological risks; and protection and enhancement of the natural heritage in support of socio-economic development and sustainable tourism.
Accessibility: activities to improve access to and quality of transport and telecommunications services where these have a clear trans-national dimension. Actions may include: investments in cross-border sections of trans-European networks; improved local and regional access to national and trans-national networks; enhanced inter-operability of national and regional systems; and promotion of advanced information and communication technologies.
Sustainable urban development: strengthening polycentric development at transnational, national and regional level, with a clear transnational impact. Actions may include: the creation and improvement of urban networks and urban-rural links; strategies to tackle common urban/rural issues; preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage, and the strategic integration of development zones on a transnational basis.
Ideas on strategic transnationality According to experience gained in transnational co-operation programmes, strategic transnational projects: show additional benefits to the outcomes of the project – resulting from working together in an international context, in a specific area; are focused on a problem not localized in one state/region but one that is typical of a larger area target core development priorities of the Partner States; involve most of the Partner States; use integrated (multidisciplinar) approach when seeking for relevant solutions for the whole area – analyze possibilities from different aspects; prepare large-scale future development investments, thus the involvement of national institutions and future national decision-making bodies is inevitable for the success of the project; target issues where significant development at the level of the programme area is possible only through co-operation between Partner States.
CES – SEES cooperation: application of the 20% rule for involving actors from other transnational programs ERDF may finance expenditure incurred in other transnational co-operation areas up to a limit of 20% of the amount of its contribution to the SEES programme.
Involvement of non-member states It is the most crucial element of the SEES programme Harmonisation of IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession) funds with ERDF Application of the 10% rule for external partner countries (ERDF may finance expenditure incurred on the territory of countries outside the European Community up to a limit of 10% of the amount of its contribution to the SEES programme): This kind of extension of the eligible ERFA program area might affect Moldova, relevant regions of Ukraine and the concerned accession and pre-accession countries of the program area.
Béla HEGYESI VATI Hungarian Puplic Nonprofit Company for Regional Development and Town Planning Interreg Department 1016 Budapest, Gellérthegy u. 30-32. Tel.: +36 1 224 32 74 E-mail: