CRediT Michaela Barton UK Account Coordinator
CRediT: Where credit is due… “What we cannot tell easily by reading a paper is who did what. That is difficult to decipher by consulting the author lists, acknowledgements or contributions sections of most journals; and the unstructured information is difficult to text-mine1, 2. Developments in digital technology present opportunities to do something about this. With the right 'taxonomy', manuscript-submission software could enable researchers to assign contributor roles relatively easily in structured formats during the process of developing and publishing a paper.” Liz Allen, Jo Scott, Amy Brand, Marjorie Hlava & Micah Altman: Publishing: Credit where credit is due, Nature 508, 312–313 (17 April 2014) doi:10.1038/508312a
Overview Research Funders spend $1.6 trillion per year Research funders require more explicit and granular information about specific contributions of each individual author Who did the research? (ORCiD) What did they do? CRediT – Contributor Role Taxonomy
CRediT “A standard is just a suggestion until somebody uses it”
Deploying CRediT Integrated into workflow (Manuscript tracking system) Scalable Industrial strength Easy to activate
Submission and Peer-Review Editorial Manager - used by thousands of journals Millions of manuscripts submitted and processed each year
ORCiD… You need a system in place for capturing authenticated ORCiDs before CRediT becomes a useful tool
ORCiD: Workflow - CoAuthors Editorial Manager Workflow Submission Coauthors Dear Coauthor, Please click here to confirm your ORCID.
Design considerations Implementing CRediT
CRediT: Developing New Standards?
CRediT: Article types where it doesn’t make sense? (e.g. letter to the editor, book review)
CRediT: Collecting standardized “CRediT”detail
CRediT: Collecting standardized “CRediT”detail
CRediT: Other?
CRediT: Editorial Office Visibility
CRediT: Emails? – Mergefields!
CRediT: Contributing Author Visibility Editorial Manager Workflow Submission Coauthors Dear Coauthor, You contributed “conceptualization” to paper XYZ. Click here to confirm….
CRediT: Transferring information Peer Review Workflow Production Workflow Hosting Platform JATS Ingest XML Transfers JATS
CRediT in XML: JATS? JATS does not yet have an "official" place for this information Editorial Manager exports the information within the <role> sub-element of the <contrib> element <contrib contrib-type="author"> <role content-type="1" /> [indicates Author Rank] <role content-type="Conceptualization"/> [indicates Contributor Role] <role content-type="Formal analysis"/> [indicates Contributor Role] <role content-type="Chief Cook & Bottle Washer"/> [indicates Contributor Role] <name>
CRediT: and Reporting…
CRediT: Summary Integrated into your Editorial Manager workflow Industrial strength - scalable Builds on existing infrastructure: ORCiD Easy to activate (and free) Video:
CRediT Michaela Barton UK Account Coordinator