ELD Electronic Portfolio Options
Why? We are asked to “flip our classroom” : to make it student-centered learning and electronic/digital accented. We teachers set up the learning and facilitate, assesses, reteach, and get students to share their learning: reading, writing, listening and speaking in ELD.
Where? Canvas and Google drive: ELD Students set up a Portfolio folder in Google drive—it can have four subfolders(reading, writing, listening, speaking).
The Work Discussions—you set up the topics or questions, students respond in a threaded discussion Quizzes—set up like smarter balanace with online options: drag and drop, fill in the blank, matching options, etc. Can import grades into your grade book Assignments—the work you expect them to do
Modules Quizzes, assignments, pages, discussion, etc. can all be in a “module.” You can use the modules to create a unit of study if you like.
Canvas and Google-drive Organization Storage(saved files, images, etc.) Create Work/ Assignments Create Quizzes Upload Video Canvas X Googledrive X*** store in Googledrive
Who? All ELD Students levels 1-8 Middle School and High School will have an electronic portfolio 2014-2015 Canvas and Googledrive will be the platforms—how we get students to save and share their work with their ELD teacher, the site tester, and the District ELD Resource Teacher Lisa Burgess
When? Semester 1 there will be Portfolio pieces due. These ELD Portfolio pieces will be used to monitor student progress, to move ELD students up to another level or into SEI or to be reclassified. There will be an ELD EOC, too. Semester 2 there will be Portfolio pieces due. Same purposes as above in addition to presenting student learning in a reflective and teacher/student decided presentation of learning in late May , early June.
What? See the ELD Assessment Matrix in Canvas and handout. Discuss.