Room length in inches = 550.724 (median & mode = 552) How about I use the average of these numbers for the length of the room? Room length in inches: 552 552 552 552 552 558 551.5 552.5 553 490* 553 549 531.6875 287.5! Room length in inches: 552 552 552 552 552 558 551.5 552.5 553 490 553 549 531.6875 287.5 *measured room width !multiplied by number of steps Room length in inches = 550.724 (median & mode = 552) Discussion, anybody? 550.724 inches—do we really know the length of the room to the nearest thousandth of an inch? Uncertainties? Data discarded? If you were my Physics graduate student, what would I say?