Hitting the Bulls Eye on Bullying Edgerton Elementary, Kalispell Public Schools
Setting Up the Target Bullying Protocols/Procedures Needs Assessment: Data Driven Decisions Current trends and models Setting schoolwide goals and expectations
Pulling Back the Arrow Planning options System wide Procedures *Leveled Behavior Tiers (RTI)
RTI Behavior Model Tier 3 Individualized Support Formal FBA Parent Involvement Problem Solving Process Possible Special Education Referral Monitor plan weekly Level of Intensity…… provided to students based on individual needs and ongoing assessment and progress monitoring Tier 2 Classroom Management with Behavioral Support Target social skills instruction Counseling groups ( loss,anger management, ) Mentoring / Counseling , Big Brothers, Informal FBA plan in the general education setting ( star chart, sticker chart, Possible Problem solving process Monitor monthly and change intervention as needed Tier 1 School Wide and Classroom Management Supports Character Education School-wide Bully prevention program (Olweus) Class Rules & Expectations Classroom management procedures implemented consistently and practiced School Climate
Launching the Arrow Schoolwide Approaches Themes Kick off Assembly Monthly Video (student led vs. Principal) Behavioral Support Plans (share examples)
PL.A.Y. (Practice & Learn….Activity….Your Choice) Practice & Learn Those students with orange slip or supervision/teacher referral. *indoor recess, social support, 1 on 1 monitoring; set ZONE Practice & Learn Zone Area: Walking Path Activity Zone Areas: Big Toy: (will be assigned to a specific activity on the equipment) Blacktop Area: Tetherball, basketball, Swings, (other games will be taught) South end of Field:(organized partner and group games will be taught to students) STUDENTS WHO WILL BE EITHER at “Practice & Learn” or “Activity” levels will be posted in the workroom so supervisors and teachers know who and what students will be doing at recess. Eventually this will be communicated through google docs to make this a real-time, instant check for better communication.
Activity Those students who have successfully gone through P and L level who are now ready for a zoned play area for closer supervision. Menu of activities are presented to student. Your Choice Those students who are successful with Edgerton expectations may have full choice on any activity or free choice play…..WAY TO GO!
Targeted Students Friendship Club (see handout) School wide incentives and events Team focused, individual and group Focus on changing culture Citizenship and Character Education
Bullying Resources Classroom meetings: Accountability and Connections Rusty (insert website information) Book Bibliography Inspirational videos (insert one) Themes: Show pictures