I think I’ve turned into a potato! I’m stuck to this sofa and… Can somebody please HELP me?
will be couch potatoes… Hahahaha!!! I’m Stinky McNoreads! Soon every student in this whole school… My plan is working! and they will never read AGAIN!!
Stop right there, Stinky McNoreads!! We’re not letting you turn our students into lazy couch potatoes! We’re the Reading Sheriffs around these parts and…
Lazy Guy, get the troops! Oh yeah?!
These kids don’t stand a chance! Yes, Boss! These kids don’t stand a chance! You can’t stop the hypnotic powers of all of our robots! Tela Bot! VG Bot! Get the rest of the robots! Let’s stop those kids from reading!
They’ll never read again! They don’t stand a chance! Let’s get them!! Attack!! They’ll never read again! They don’t stand a chance!
Reading Rangers!! I think it’s time we call on the… Uh, oh! I think we need help.
Listen to how your child can be one of us! Have them be a Reading Ranger! Don’t let your child be a Stinky McNoreads! with our reading powers! We’ll stop them… Parents, we need your help! Parents, join us!
First, find out in which Reading Ranger… Your child has been placed in from the teacher. First, find out in which Reading Ranger… Your child will have Reading Ranger badges to fill in, which will help them keep track of their progress. As a Reading Ranger, your child will have a challenge to meet in order to defeat Stinky.
Next, they’ll read books that meet their reading challenge and take AR quizzes. Let’s look at one of the Ranger levels so you can see what it looks like. When they pass a quiz with at least an 85%, a star on one of their badges will get colored in.
This tells you the lowest score they can earn for the quiz to count as a colored in star. Each badge has 5 stars; each star is equal to one book. This tells you the lowest book level they can read at for a book to count for this level. Readers at this level can read and test on books at level 2.5 or higher. This tells you how many points a book must be worth for these 5 books. Readers can read and test on books that are worth this number of points or higher. If you see an NF under a badge, it means those five books need to be non-fiction. They can read non-fiction for badges without an NF, too!
When they fill in all of their badges… and we will celebrate their graduation! They GRADUATE to the next Reading Ranger When they fill in all of their badges… Now the Reading Rangers will tell you all about the different levels!
Wonder Readers have super reading powers! books we read with someone, or books we read independently! Wonder Readers have super reading powers! Our mission is to earn 100% on 25 books that are read to us, Please make sure we take multiple quizzes every week. Also, ask us questions about what we read together to see if we understand. Read the same book to us many times over and over. Please help us graduate by reading to us or with us every day.
Also, we have to read at least 5 non-fiction books! Ninja Readers are tough readers! We read all of our books independently! Also, we have to read at least 5 non-fiction books! Our mission is to read at least 30 books leveled at 1.0 or higher. Check on us to see how many quizzes we take every week. Ask us questions to see if we understand what we read. Please help us graduate by listening to us read independently. Have us read the same book many times. It’s great practice for us!
We have to read at least 10 non-fiction books… and for the first time we have to read chapter books… they’re longer with less pictures! We have to read at least 10 non-fiction books… Rocket Readers are fast! Our mission is to read at least 35 books leveled at 2.0 or higher! When we graduate we’ll celebrate with Type in celebration. We’ll rocket by Stinky and his robots! They can’t keep up with us!
We read at least 10 non-fiction books, too. We also read at least 10 chapter books that are worth at least 1 point. We read at least 10 non-fiction books, too. Power Readers are not afraid of any book! Our mission is to read at least 35 books leveled at 2.5 or higher! Please don’t let us wait until all of our other badges are filled before we take on our 1pt badges. We are reading more chapter books and we need more time to read. Please help us graduate by keeping close track of our progress!
We can take on bigger chapter books. We have 1pt, 2pt, and 4pt badges! Iron Readers are indestructible! Our mission is to read at least 35 books leveled at 3.0 or higher! We read at least 10 non-fiction books and five of those are non-fiction chapter books. with the structure of the stories. Also, we will stay more engaged reading books we love! Help us by taking us to the library and finding a book series that we will love. Help us graduate from Iron reader and you’ll see amazing things from us! We move much faster through longer chapter books when we find a series we enjoy reading because we become familiar...
We are reading longer novels so we need plenty of quiet reading time. We can take on even bigger chapter books. We have 1pt, 2pt, 3pt, and 5pt badges! We read at least 10 non-fiction books and five of those are non-fiction chapter books. Storm Readers can storm through any book! Our mission is to read at least 35 books leveled at 4.0 or higher! We are reading longer novels so we need plenty of quiet reading time. will keep us on track to meet our long term goal of graduating. We need your help by monitoring our progress closely! Help us develop short term goals that…
Stinky and his robots will run away when they hear our thunder! There is no chapter book that we can’t thunder through. We have 3pt, 5pt, 7pt, and even 10pt badges! We read at least 10 non-fiction books and five of those are non-fiction chapter books. Thunder Readers are extremely powerful readers! Our mission is to read at least 35 books leveled at 4.5 or higher! Stinky and his robots will run away when they hear our thunder! When we graduate we’ll celebrate with Type in celebration.
We are Mega Readers and soon the world will know our names! Look at our badges! We have 7pt, 10pt, and 15pt badges! Nobody can stop us from reading! Mega Readers are ULTRA powerful readers! Our mission is to read at least 35 books leveled at 5.0 or higher! We read at least 10 non-fiction books and five of those are non-fiction chapter books. We are Mega Readers and soon the world will know our names! We should never be satisfied with our success so make sure you keep pushing us to meet this graduation! We are extraordinary readers and you should be very proud when we make it to Mega Reader!
Hey parents don’t listen to all these do-gooders! Have your kids play with my robots and be a stinky couch potato!
Just have your kids lie on me and play with one of my robots! Yeah! Listen to Stinky! Just have your kids lie on me and play with one of my robots! Yeah, let them be Stinky McNoreads!
Great!! We make a fantastic team! Can we count on you parents? before they turn on one of Stinky’s robots and by checking they’re progress towards their GRADUATIONS! Hey parents! Help us by pledging that you’ll support your kids by having them read at home…
I’ll be back! Aaaaah! Uh! Oh! Don’t do it!!
With your help, your kids will… achieve great reading success! I knew we could count on you!!
The End