Ms. Griffin 6th Grade Math Welcome!
All About Me My background I grew up in Tyler, TX. I graduated from The University of Texas at Tyler This is my 7th year teaching 6th grade math! In my free time I enjoy Paco Outdoors Exercising Netflix and Hulu
Classroom Rules Be Respectful Be Prepared Participate Work hard and try your best
Entering the Classroom Walk Take out supplies Backpacks on the back of the chair
What to do when you’re inside… READ THE BOARD!!! Sharpen any pencils Homework out Begin warm up activity
Tardies “Ready to go” when the last bell rings You have 4 minutes between each class Too many tardies result in consequences: 1- warning 2- conference with me 3- detention with teacher 4- lunch detention 5- after school detention until 5:00 pm 6- office referral 7- 1 day ISS 8- 1 day ISS 9- Saturday school 10- AP assigns additional consequences
When you are absent… Check the folders Your responsibility You get 3 days to complete Must attend one tutorial While you were out …
Homework and Assignments NEVER an option When you don’t turn in homework or assignments, 10 points will be taken off that assignment grade each day it is late. You have 5 days to turn it in to receive a maximum score of 50. You could fail
Tutorials Grading Make up work, help, or homework Sign in EVERY time you attend Must attend at least one if absent Grading At least 13 grades (10 daily and 3 assessment) All test and quizzes can be corrected up to a 70 (5 days) Daily work may not be corrected Extra credit will be offered each six weeks
Raise your hand! You need to raise your hand to: say anything do anything go anywhere Do not get up without permission!
Consequences… 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense N in conduct warning 2nd offense conference with me to review expectations call home 3rd offense detention with teacher N in conduct 4th offense referral to the office U in conduct
Fire Tornado Lock Down
Let’s Have a Great Year!