What are you most thankful for? Thanksgiving What are you most thankful for?
Essay Writing Important Question: What is an essay? An essay is an article (piece of writing) about one topic that has more than one paragraph. An essay has 3 main parts: Introduction – one paragraph 2. Body – one or more paragraphs 3. Conclusion – one paragraph Compare and contrast essays and paragraphs.
The Introduction (1st paragraph) The introduction has 2 main parts: General Statements – one or more sentences that discuss the topic Thesis Statement – one sentence that tells exactly what you are writing about e.g. Thanksgiving is an important festival that is celebrated by families across the world. They get together to share a meal and think about what they are thankful for. I am most thankful for my loving mom. Brainstorm general statements and what you’re thankful for.
Write all about what you are thankful for and why Body Paragraph Write all about what you are thankful for and why Topic sentence (What are you thankful for?) Describe what you are thankful for Tell the reason(s) why You can also include interesting examples and stories Ending sentence e.g. I have the most wonderful mom. She is not too tall and not too short, and the most beautiful woman in the world. She bakes the best brownies ever! Yum! She also helps me with my homework and hugs me when I am sad. When we went on vacation last year, she made sure that none of our family got lost and did all the planning. That is why I am so thankful for my mom.
The Conclusion The conclusion has 2 main parts: Restate Thesis or Summarize Main Points – one sentence that says your thesis statement (in different words) or says the main points of your body Ending Thought – one sentence that adds an ending thought (e.g. “I hope”, “I wish” or “I suggest” are easy ones) e.g. I am grateful for the many things that my mom does for me. I hope that I will be able to take care of her one day when she is older.
Thank You, Mom! Thanksgiving is an important festival that is celebrated by families across the world. They get together to share a meal and think about what they are thankful for. I am most thankful for my loving mom. (skip 2 lines) I have the most wonderful mom. She is not too tall and not too short, and the most beautiful woman in the world. She bakes best brownies ever! Yum! She also helps me with my homework and hugs me when I am sad. When we went on vacation last year, she made sure that none of our family got lost did all the planning. That is why I am so thankful for my mom. I am grateful for the many things that my mom does for me. I hope that I will be able to take care of her one day when she is older. INTRODUCTION BODY CONCLUSION