Breakdown meeting 20.6.2017 Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient study Breakdown meeting 20.6.2017 Noora-Mari Pienimäki 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System analysis
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BD vs Pulses SLAC SSCuAg electrodes, 1µs pulse length, increasing voltage from 4370 V to 5210 V 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient SLAC SSCuAg electrodes, 1µs pulse length, Increasing voltage from 4370 V to 5210 V When there was a lot of BDs during ramp. For 𝐸 𝛼 dependency with this study we have a value 31.08 ± 5.51 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient BUT! SLAC SSCuAg electrodes, 1µs pulse length, Increasing voltage from 4370 V to 5180 V Ignoring the last data point.. For 𝐸 𝛼 dependency with this study we have a value 24.29 ± 4.59 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki A throwback to previous meeting... BD vs Pulses Increasing voltage BDs during ramp and BDs at the target voltage comparison: Questions: Are breakdowns happening at the same special place during steep rise of BD vs Pulses curve? Is there more multiple BDs during this run? Seems that rising of the curve is at is steepest when BDs are happening during the ramp. 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki A throwback to previous meeting... BD vs Pulses Nb electrodes data (before ramp error with software) to compare with previous results of BDs during ramp. With red is presented BDs during ramp. 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki Analysis with cameras Increasing voltage BDs during ramp and BDs at the target voltage comparison: By using data from 5210 V flat run we may do closer research of different types of BDs at ramp. Number of each BD detection type with Marx and cameras with 5210: Number of each BD detection type with Marx and cameras all time: 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki Analysis with cameras Increasing voltage BDs during ramp and BDs at the target voltage comparison: Comparison between all BDs since beginnig of changing electrodes and flat run with 5210 V. Comparison between all BDs with 5210 V and BDs during ramp with same voltage. 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BD vs Pulses SLAC SSCuAg electrodes, 1µs pulse length, decreasing voltage from 5180 V to 4580 V 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient SLAC SSCuAg electrodes, 1µs pulse length, decreasing voltage from 5180 V to 4580 V For 𝐸 𝛼 dependency with this study we have a value 36.07 ± 6.16 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient BUT! SLAC SSCuAg electrodes, 1µs pulse length, decreasing voltage from 5210 V to 4580 V Taking again the datapoint into account with 5210 V into account.. For 𝐸 𝛼 dependency with this study we have a value 44.98 ± 7.25 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
BDR vs Gradient comparison increasing and decreasing voltage There is a clear difference between decreasing and increasing order of the voltage with BDR. Of course if we want to modify the results, we might say that maybe by modifying the results and not taking the lowest data points into account 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
BDR vs Gradient comparison increasing and decreasing voltage We get better correlation between increasing and decreasing slopes, but with voltages needs to go more down to decrease the value of alpha. 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki Let’s change to the another pair of electrodes! 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BD vs Pulses Results before error in software for ramping. Nb electrodes, 1µs pulse length, increasing voltage from 4470 V to 4890 V 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient Nb electrodes, 1µs pulse length, Increasing voltage from 4470 V to 4890 V Results before error in software for ramping. Which reminds a lot of previous results with Nb electrodes... For 𝐸 𝛼 dependency with this study we have a value 13.88 ± 15.75 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient A throwback to previous tests..... Nb electrodes, 100µs pulse length, Increasing voltage from 3360 V to 3590 V Conclusion: Voltage range with 100 µs pulse length was only 230 V not enough to get reasonable results. Voltage range with 1 µs pulse length was 420 V not enough to get reasonable results. For 𝐸 𝛼 dependency with this study we had a value 15.10 ± 12.02 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BD vs Pulses Nb electrodes, 1µs pulse length, increasing voltage from 4620 V to 5040 V 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient Nb electrodes, 1µs pulse length, increasing voltage from 4620 V to 5040 V For 𝐸 𝛼 dependency with this study we have a value: 22.08 ± 19.0 Seems we’ll improve by taking wider range with voltage as we discussed previously. Tests are still going on with Nb electrodes. 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BD vs Pulses Nb electrodes, 1µs pulse length, increasing voltage from 4620 V to 5250 V 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki BDR vs Gradient Nb electrodes, 1µs pulse length, increasing voltage from 4620 V to 5250 V For 𝐸 𝛼 dependency with this study we have a value: 9.55 ± 9.75 Seems we’ll improve by taking wider range with voltage as we discussed previously. Tests are still going on with Nb electrodes. 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Comparing BDR vs Gradient before and after error Just to know the effect: How the electrodes behave while going down with voltage and starting to increase it again? 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki Conclusions Voltage range could be the main factor of the reasonable results Voltage step shoul be bigger in next study to get results more effectively Still doesn’t guarantee reasonable results with Nb electrodes Not yet possible to tell what is the difference between ramping style (linear or exponential) Next test with SLAC to change ramp to exponential one Broken cable with LES 2 (SLAC SSCuAg electrodes in) and undefined error problems with LES3 Both seems to be under control for now Tests will go on for now to get the last data points for reliable data analysis. 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
PDF analysis for the electrodes ’Extra’: PDF analysis for the electrodes 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki PDF analysis PDF plots with increasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki PDF analysis PDF plots with increasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki PDF analysis PDF plots with increasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki PDF analysis PDF plots with increasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: PDF plots with decreasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki PDF analysis PDF plots with increasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: PDF plots with decreasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki PDF analysis PDF plots with increasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: PDF plots with decreasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki
Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki PDF analysis PDF plots with increasing voltage for data sets with over 100 BDs: PDF 5211V zoomed: 6/20/2017 Breakdown meeting, Pulsed DC System, Noora-Mari Pienimäki