Unit 2, Lessons 1 & 2 Data types
Introduction Question: In what types of situations would you need to use data to make a decision? Why? This session will be recorded for educational purposes
Session Norms: Be on time Be attentive Be proactive Be respectful But I have two CC sessions at the same time! Alternate days/weeks Week 1: TCH010 – M, W, F OTH020 – T, Th Week 2: TCH010 – T, Th OTH020 – M, W, F Need to attend a class and break the schedule? Just make sure to watch the recording! Keep on top of assignments and due dates Just because you miss a session does not mean you get an extension! Be on time Be attentive Be proactive Be respectful
Objectives for today’s session I can define the term "data" as it relates to technology. I can define and decipher binary code.
Essential Questions: 1) Why is it important to know how to use data? 2) What can data abstraction tell the user? 3) Why do computers “speak” in binary code?
Turn and Talk: What does “data” mean to you? Message person above and below you with answer Make sure to include examples of data and where to find it! Respond to messages sent to you Do you agree with the definition? Why or why not? Do you agree with the examples? Why or why not? 2 minutes to answer and respond!
What is Data? factual information (such as a statistic) used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation. information output by some device that must be processed to be meaningful. information in numeric form
Where can you find data? Books Magazines Interviews Studies Internet
Why does data even matter? Essential Question #1 Why does data even matter? Verifies information Gives credit to topic Justifies ideas presented Hypothesize Experiment Report Results
Data Abstraction Essential Question #2 Two parts: Hide details that don't matter from a certain point of view Identify details that do matter from a certain point of view More detail = less abstract Which is better: abstract or specific data?
What does this data set tell us? What doesn’t it tell us?
Binary Code Essential Question #3 Two parts: 0 = “Off” switch 1 = “On” switch ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Exchange Converts binary code into text Data abstraction helps with binary code Gives boundaries Makes data meaningful
Breakout Room Activity: Translate the following code into English Raise Hand Once Done: I will come check translation Binary code: English Translation: 0100001001101001011011100110000 1011100100111100100100000011000 1101101111011001000110100101101 1100110011100100000011000110110 0001011011100010000001100010011 0010100100000011001000110100101 1001100110011001101001011000110 1110101011011000111010000100000 0111010001101111001000000110010 0011001010110001101101111011001 0001100101
What did you learn today? Essential Questions: 1) Why is it important to know how to use data? 2) What can data abstraction tell the user? 3) Why do computers “speak” in binary code?
Essential Questions: 1) Why is it important to know how to use data? 2) What can data abstraction tell the user? 3) Why do computers “speak” in binary code?
Marching Orders Take 2.02 Quiz Due by 11:59pm on 02/16 Read Lesson 2.03: Presenting Data: Case Study Tuesday CC Session All Unit 1 Assignments must be in by 11:59pm on 02/14! Check CC Sessions for Mandatory Small Group! Available by Monday!