VELO Metrology CERN Metrology Lab (EST/MF) Olivetti CNC (600x900x1600 mm3) on air-cushion with granite base, ± 3um precision over full volume Optical and touching head Measure first downstream sides of all modules, then turn head and measure upstream sides. Detector half will be laid down in same position as in the VELO ~ 750 ~ 1100
Metrology Overview VELO will be surveyed as two completely mounted halves Designed to fit inside CNC without changing mechanics, or frame. Only repeater crates will be dismounted Measurement head enters through holes in the frame, designed to protect modules 5 fiducials per sensor, plus 4 reference chamfers on base plate Base plate support must be identical to final experiment No control over temperature or humidity Survey is risky (and expensive) – strong motivation to fully mount one half in case of late module delivery
Metrology: procedure protection frame Measurement head enters through holes in frame cover between modules, with approx 5 mm clearance Always two people working on detector, one from metrology, one physicist (watching) modules protection collar
Metrology: Top view VELO half laid down by crane open question: transport from Assembly lab to metrology (200 m) done with final transport as an exercise? Overkill?
Metrology: Optical head 200x objective with 12 mm focal distance Microscope with reticules adapted to our fiducial marks, field of view ~0.5 mm, maximum diameter 25 mm CCD camera (supplier: AUBERT) Delivery date: end September
Metrology: Schedule standard magnification (x50) February 2005 – test measurements with VELO telescope standard magnification (x50) high magnification (x 160) Analysis by Tomas Lastovicka showed that we achieved a precision of 1.4 micron (2x better than quoted precision) Resulted in improved analysis
Metrology: Schedule May 2005, first check of new optics. Plan to measure sensor fiducials together with strips and deduce measurement precision Used 7 mechanical sensors supplied by Liverpool 25µm (measured 22µm) 50µm overetched Used as preparation for final metrology by taking detailed photos of sensor 21 reference points identified for R and Phi sensors (NB unfortunately we only had mechanicals so some info missing)
Vue generale du silicium (strip droit) Didier Glaude Circonference interieure Circonference exterieure P3 P2 P4 Y+ P1/P1A P5 X+ ATTENTION LES VUES QUI SUIVENT SONT INVERSEES PAR RAPPORT A LA REALITE
Centre des 4 trous repere 2040 (strip droit) P1/P1A
Centre des 4 trous repere 1540 (strip droit)
FAILURE! Metrology: schedule Result of survey: proposed x50 magnification not sufficient to make reliable measurement of our fiducials. Increased to x200 for final order
Metrology: Schedule (cont) End September: delivery of final optics, verification with sensor measurements End October: mockup of baseplate and cover to hold three mechanical modules with the correct spacing, with the holes in the cover, to practice the measurement and verify the allocated time (nb relies on delivery of mechanicals from L’pool) Mid April – 2.5 weeks for survey of R half then L half (TBC after October test)