End of the Month Assembly 9:30 AM SEPTEMBER 2005 FEBRUARY 2017 STUCCO: Shoes from the Heart Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat 29 30 Truth A Spelling Bee-Gr. 2-5 9:30 – Gym B STUCO MEETING 2:40-3:15 End of the Month Assembly -9:30 1 C 2 A Field trip – 3rd Gr. Philbrook Museum 10:00-12:00 3 NO SCHOOL for Students 4 5 6 Honesty B HIV Prevention/5th Grade 8:00 - Library Progress Reports go home 7 C 8 A Dog Days – 1-2 PM 9 B 10 C Free Dress/Wristband PTA Date Night 11 12 13 Trustworthy A 14 B Valentine Parties 2:00 15 C 16 A 1st Grade Field Trip GeoScience Center 9:00-11:00 17 B 18 19 20 President’s Day 21 Potential C 22 A Field trip 3rd & 4th Grades Rogers HS/Link-up 10:00-11:00 \ Facts Master – 2:10 PM 23 B STUCO MTG. Miss Oklahoma Assembly 9:30 Grades PK-5 24 C 4th & 5th Grades Science Enrichment 25 26 27 Opportunities A Air & Space Field Trip 5th Grade 9:15-1:30 28 B End of the Month Assembly 9:30 AM C Field trip-2nd Grade Opera /Clinton MS 9:30-10:30 TPS Music Festival 7:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:00 PM – 6:15 PM