Student Information Systems Fall 2017 Training Students | Teachers | Instructional Content SIS Team: Quyen Nguyen, Faiza Asif, Patty Gernertt, Jessica Cardenas, Maria Romero-Tang
Meeting Norms Please silence your cell phones Meeting is 2 ½ hours Exits Restrooms 2
AGENDA 3 New Aeries User Interface (UI) Send Mass Emails within Aeries Aeries Portal Access Guide Homeless & Foster Protocol Attendance protocol TK programs, Pre-school ATT.P1 Notes in Aeries – Visitation & Counseling Information/Census/CBEDS Day Preparation – 10/4/17 Student Residence Ethnicity/Race Indicators Teacher Records Linked to Staff ID Graduates, Dropouts & Exit Reasons US school entry date for ALL students Program records: Homeless, GATE, Special Ed Course Enrollment Teacher records – Long term Subs – Linking staff ID (Resignation & Retirement & grade level changes (elementary)) H&H Teacher Transfer Family Key link Co Residency, Legal Name, Military, GATE, User 1 field 3
Send Mass Emails 4
Aeries Portal Access
Homeless and Foster Presented By Anh Nguyen
Attendance and Disenrollment
Attendance and Absence Code Changes Enrollment Count at beginning of school year Daily attendance in Aeries Update All day attendance field indicator Absence Code Changes Clearing out absences timeline Attendance code changes NOT affecting ADA reporting Month Attendance code changes Affecting ADA after reporting Month 11
Inactivation/Disenrollment – Beginning of Year Inactivation/Disenrollment Protocol at the beginning of the year After three days of non-attendance without communication Contact – call phone numbers on registration form Intention – will the student be attending Alvord? Home Visit – can’t reach parent? Home visit is next Referral – attendance investigator notified Special Ed Student Refer to Special Ed coordinator after above steps taken 12
Transitional Kindergarten 13
Program Codes – Transitional Kindergarten The site must enter a Program record with an Eligible Start Date & Program Start Date Query: LIST STU PGM STU.ID STU.FN STU.LN STU.GR PGM.CD PGM.ESD PGM.PSD IF PGM.CD = 185 AND STU.GR = -1 Please note: All TK students need a program record in Special Programs. Please do not close the TK record when you dis-enroll a student. 14
Transitional Kindergarten Early Admittance -AB104 “A pupil, admitted to a TK program, shall not generate average daily attendance or be included in the enrollment or unduplicated student count until the pupil has attained his or her fifth birthday regardless of when the pupil was admitted during the school year.” Therefore, these students need to be monitored closely in Aeries. 15
How to handle TK early admittance AB104 in Aeries Enter a “T” TK-AB104 (BD>Dec 2) in the “Prog” field Update Attendance as of the student’s enrollment date Add a TK program record of 185 with Elg start and Prg Start date. These dates should reflect the enrollment start date or 1st day of enrollment. Once student turns 5 years old, take out the “T” in “Prog” and update attendance as of that date. Attendance EFF Date = Day Stu turned 5 Query: LIST STU PGM STU.ID STU.LN STU.FN STU.GR STU.BD STU.BD.YEARS PGM.CD BY STU.BD IF STU.GR = -1 AND STU.BD > 12/2/2012* *Please change year of birth each year 16
Transitional Kindergarten – Adding a program record of 185 17
Transition Kindergarten - Attendance Enrollment Attendance Enrollment for Regular TK Attendance Enrollment for Early TK Attendance Enrollment After 5th birth for Early TK 18
Pre-School 19
Pre-school Attendance Tag 20
Notes in Aeries 21
Census Day 22
Home and Hospital
Home and Hospital Affects ADA and enrollment count Create separate section(s) for HH students for it affects CALPADS submission. Home and Hospital must have grades each grading period. 24
Home and Hospital Entering Students into the HH Program in Aeries The school site will enter the HH program code into the Special Program field and update attendance. Secondary school Site will schedule student in separate section(s), with the same course number with their current classroom teacher(s), and only the student on Home and Hospital will be entered into that section. The separate section will be labeled by its content area (e.g. Algebra I). The course name must not contain “HH” or reference HH. Once the visiting teacher is assigned a section by school site, AERIES staff will update the Instructional Strategy to H & H. Elementary schools Site need to assign the student to a visiting teacher who is designated to be a Home & Hospital teacher. Once the visiting teacher is assigned by school site, AERIES staff will update the Instructional Strategy to H & H. 25
Home and Hospital Exiting Students from the HH Program in Aeries The school must monitor the exit date of the Home and Hospital agreement between the doctor and the district. The school site will remove HH program code from Special Program field and update attendance. Secondary – Student must be reassigned to original section(s) and teacher(s) the student had before entering the HH program. Elementary – Student must be reassigned to original teacher the student had before entering the HH program. 26
Homeless Identification-Enrollment Form 27
Transfer Codes
Transfer Codes – Intra District “2” Intra District = 2 vs 29
Transfer Codes – Inter District “4” 30
Family Key
Afterschool Programs
Data Steward = Special Ed Department Aeries User 1 Field Data Steward = Special Ed Department
User 1 Field New student to the district: School Staff will enter the User 1 information when registering a student. Special Ed staff will double check data when creating special ed record in special ed data table. Current student with changes to User 1 field Special Ed Staff will update the User 1 field as changes are needed. Special Ed Staff will notify school with effective date of any changes by email. Special Ed Staff will follow up with school sites by phone call if changes involve SDC to update attendance. * Please work together so the data is correct 4/16/2015 34
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