CC IN2P3 - T1 for CMS: CSA07: production and transfer Nelli PUKHAEVA 30 November 2007
CCIN2P3 on CMS computing model The CCIN2P3 is one of the CMS T1 target is to be around 10 % of the overall T1 resources. Several national and foreign T2 are attached to the CC T1: CC-IN2P3 T2 GRIF federated T2 Belgium_IIHE, UCL T2 Beijing T2 Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
CC in CMS computing model At CCIN2P3 we are sharing T1-T2-T3 functionality ~230TB fully deployed and available Current spliting is: T1 - 160TB T2 - 50TB T3 - 20TB The splitting between T1 and T2 is done through dedicated CEs. Separate CEs: T1 - cclcgceli01(SL4), T2 - cclcgceli02(SL4), cclcgceli05(SL3) The splitting in term of resources is done by priority for jobs according to CEs and job user (prod vs else). Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
CSA07 general objective for T1 site CSA07 -- 1 Oct. -- 10 Nov. This was important event to access CC-IN2P3 capabilities for transfer, CMS job production etc… Tasks to be completed for physics: alacreco, background data sets, ‘enhanced lepton’ reco Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
Daily CMS work operation at CC Number of issues with storage and transfers: HPSS, dCache, srm, afs… merging jobs problem - solved Cleaning unmerged files What we can do for the 2GB job problem? FTS parameter tuning for matrix transfer Can we avoid accessing HF libraries on /afs and just copy them on WN? Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
CMS jobs monitoring One good day for us Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
Monitoring jobs at CC: CMS jobs at CC IN2P3 Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC Max all cmsf running jobs: 1070 Average all cmsf running jobs: 691 Current all cmsf running jobs: 538 Max all running jobs: 5002 Average all running jobs: 4146 Current all running jobs: 4068 Max Percentage 23.0 % Average Percentage 17.0 % Current Percentage 13.0 % Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
CMS jobs monitoring at CC T1 jobs T2 jobs Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
Monitoring of jobs at CC: Grid CMS jobs at CC IN2P3 Analysis Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
T1-T1 Transfer Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
CMS data transfer by PhEDEx Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
It should started from good link to all T1s DDT It should started from good link to all T1s Things have improved BUT after 1 month of hard effort. Reasonable strategy - to get in priority T1-T1 links and then T1-associated T2 links, then enabling any T1-T2 connection through other T1s. We don’t see a need for continuous commissioning rather recommission after upgrades or several shutdown periods Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
Data transfer at CC FTS Dedicated channels for each T1 Dedicated channels for each corresponding T2 –GRIF, Belgium, Beijing STAR channel with 10 strims During of CSA07 we have tune the FTS parameters for each channel Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
transfer and production Next step - get more CSA07 at CCIN2P3 CCIN2P3 have done GOOD There is room for improvement for transfer and production Next step - get more efficient use of these ressources Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC
support Ready for NY ? Number of jobs: Today - 900, 250 production jobs Transfer: Why we cant to keep transfer stable? We believe a LOT can be done improving CMS application and tools - examples of job merging with connection pb, reading data file on /afs to be avoided, manual cleaning of files to be avoided, CMSSW 64 bit build… Nelli Pukhaeva / CMS at CC