Local Government Benchmarking Framework - 25th October 2017
Who are we?
One-to-one meetings The GrowBiz XChange Peer support Training Resources Mentoring GrowBiz have a network of trained mentors with a particular interest in small businesses.
What does The Care and Wellbeing Co-operative offer our communities? 27 local micr0 enterprises Values What does The Care and Wellbeing Co-operative offer our communities? Person centred Creative Caring Local Confidential Fair Professional Inclusive Innovative Care and support at home Befriending Independent living solutions for older people Bio dynamic gardening Wellbeing walks Creative writing/Memoirs Welfare benefits advice Photography Movement psychotherapy Community herbalist Shiatsu
Our landscape.. Rural population Landscape Frameworks Small settlements Those aged 75+ are projected to almost double over the next 15 years, from 14,406 to 27,250. Landscape Frameworks Our landscape.. Heath and Social Care Partnership- Strategic and Joint Commissioning Plan PKC Community Plan 2013-2023 SDS Social Care Public Sector Reform Locality agreements Procurement Reform Community Empowerment Act National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes PREVENTION Health and Social Care Standards
Strategic Commissioning Plan 2016-2019 Our vision We will work together to support people living in Perth and Kinross to lead healthy and active lives and live as independently as possible with choice and control over the decisions they make about their care and support. Our aim is to improve the wellbeing and outcomes of people living in Perth and Kinross, to intervene early and work with the third and independent sectors and communities, to prevent longer term issues arising Strategic Commissioning Plan 2016-2019
Support communities to lead the life they want in their local community
Opportunities and benefits Local assets / resourceful people /higher standards More innovative, more personalised, more choice Responsive -solving strategic community problems Public money being spent locally Help people do the things they want to do Creates jobs/helps rural economy- engine for economic growth Volunteering opportunities Help achieve local outcomes- Wellbeing / Community resilience/ Prevention Increase take up of Direct Payments Cost the same or less / value for money Good for blocked services /waiting lists Opportunities and benefits
Challenges for community enterprises Regulation and legislation Tendering and procurement –defines the service model and discourages imaginative approach Do you think it’s OK for Health and Social Care Partnerships to buy–in or use ‘unregulated’ community enterprises for home care? HMRC – self employed or employed – Tax bill? SSSC – being able to register Inappropriate rules (running a regulated service is expensive with high barriers to entry) Recruiting staff for rural areas Choice and control is complex Diminishing resources and increased need
Clear sense of purpose Think differently Aim high Play our part Connected communities
Tester/pilot- using our imagination Social Prescription Project – build relationship with GPs and demonstrate impact of wellbeing Family sitter service – work with young people to provide respite for families with a member who needs care and inspire career in care Wellbeing Workshops for care staff –helping care staff feel valued and well (retention) Kinloch Rannoch – communities organising and delivering their own care and support Tester/pilot- using our imagination
New Manifesto for Social Care Dec 2016 Challenge the dominance of traditional institutionalising corporate providers in residential and domiciliary services and instead prioritise the user-led, community- based small scale support schemes particularly valued by service users and carers. New Manifesto for Social Care Dec 2016