Conflicts (3)
War Fever James Madison did not take office under the best circumstances. The U.S. was still dealing with the embargo Britain continued to stop American ships The call for war became louder
Close to War In 1810 congress passed a law allowing trade w/ either France or Britain, depending on who lifted their trade restrictions first. Napoleon jumped at the chance and promised to end restrictions.
Close to War That said, France tricked the Madison administration & continued seizing American ships. America is now divided as to whom is the actual enemy… France or Britain.
Close to War Madison was aware that France tricked him, but he saw Britain as the larger threat.
Frontier Conflicts Madison was deciding how to deal w/ the problems from Europe & new problems arose in the west. Ohio became a state in 1803, and settlers began pressing for more land btx 1801 & 1810.
Frontier Conflicts Native Americans had given up millions of acres of land and now settlers were encroaching on land that had been promised to Native Americans by treaty.
Frontier Conflicts Tensions increased btx settlers & Native Americans. Native Americans began renewing contacts w/ British agents & fur traders in Canada.
Frontier Conflicts Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief, began building a confederacy among Native American tribes in the Northwest. With the backing of the British, Tecumseh could stop the American movement onto Native American lands. P4, P7
Frontier Conflicts Tecumseh’s view of the treaties w/ Native Americans was that they were worthless. Tecumseh had a powerful ally, his brother, known as the prophet. The prophet urged Native Americans everywhere to return to the customs of their ancestors.
Frontier Conflicts The Prophet’s advice: Give up practices learned from the Americans. a) wearing western dress b) using plows c) using firearms d) especially drinking alcohol. (1)
Frontier Conflicts He would attract a huge following and founded a village in Northern Indiana that would be called Prophetstown where the Wabash & Tippecanoe rivers meet.
Meeting With Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison The American governor of the Indiana territory, Gen Wm. Henry Harrison. became alarmed by the power of the 2 Shawnee brothers, fearing they would form an alliance w/ the British.