Heritage Middle School Physical Education Syllabus
Staff Mr. Escandon Mrs. Stone Mrs. Geiger Mr. Wheeler Mr. Marion 7th Grade Lifetime Sports Mrs. Geiger 6th Grade PE 7th Grade PE 8th Grade PE Mr. Wheeler Mr. Marion Mrs. Muri 8th Grade Multi-Fit PE
Students will know… Components of Fitness Agility Coordination Endurance Flexibility Power Speed Strength
Students will learn… Fitness Team Sports Cooperative Games Individual Sports Lifetime Sports
PE dress School appropriate athletic attire HMS Spirit Wear is OK T-Shirts and shorts, sweats must meet the minimum requirements for school dress code HMS Spirit Wear is OK Shorts – Must be fingertip in length without pockets
PE dress Sweatshirts & Sweatpants Must be school appropriate Worn over the PE uniform Athletic Shoes & Socks No Flip Flops
PE dress violations
Locks & Lockers Each student will be assigned a locker Students are responsible for the assigned locker Each student must bring their own lock Combination lock is preferable Do not share your locker or combination with anyone Do not leave any belongings unlocked in the locker rooms at any time Do not bring any valuables (phone, tablets, jewelry, etc) to PE HMS IS NOT LIABLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS
Locker Room Expectations Locker rooms are for getting dressed, going to the bathroom, or getting a drink of water only. Do not leave the locker room until dismissed by a teacher. The bell does not dismiss you. Do not go to the locker rooms during class without permission. The locker room is part of the PE classroom. If it is not yours, don’t touch it!
Discipline School policy will be followed Student Behavior Tardiness Truancies Failure to dress appropriately for PE is a discipline Issue 1st Offense – Verbal Warning 2nd Offense – Parent Phone Call 3rd Offense – Office Referral
Medical Excuses Doctor’s Note – Excuses you from participation No loss of participation credit – no make up work required May be given adjusted expectations May be required to complete an alternative written assignment Parent Note – Some level of participation is required Loss of participation credit Must complete make up sheet to earn credit
Grades Students will be graded on their daily participation PE Rubric (4 Point Scale) 4 – Performs at a high level (effort) for the duration of the activity, supportive of classmates, demonstrates a cognitive understanding of the activities being performed, team player 3 – Performs at a high level for the duration of the activity, stays on task most of the time, limited cognitive understanding of the activity
Grades – PE Rubric Continued 2 – Performs at a moderate level for the duration of the activity, doesn’t take ownership in improving, looks for shortcuts, not performing up to ability, negative attitude 1 – Performs at a minimal level for the duration of the activity, looks for shortcuts, doesn’t care to improve, negative attitude, doesn’t allow others to participate 0 – Doesn’t try at all, doesn’t care that you are not trying, disrespectful to classmates, purposely ruining the activity the class is trying to do with your actions, negative attitude
Grades – PE Rubric Continued
Grades Removal from class Points are lost – not because of behavior but because you are no longer participating Participation grade is based on what is observed in class
Grades 7th & 8th grade PE classes PE Make-Up Form Written assessments Skills assessments PE Make-Up Form Absent from class or cannot participate (parent note) Found on the website HMS make up policy will be followed
Grades 8th Grade 7th Grade 6th Grade 60% Daily Participation 20% Written Assessment 10% Written Assessment Pass/Fail 20% Skills Assessment 10% Skills Assessment