Open House 2016 Mrs. Karin Travalent Pre-Algebra/AC Skills 816-874-3560 Ex 50950
Checking Assignments You should be able to see how your student is doing in class by logging into Power School. This will give you an immediate picture of your student, it also has the upcoming week’s assignments. Some assignments can change. Grades are usually updated by Friday afternoon. Please feel free to use this if your student has been absent (to see what they missed) or if you know you will be gone (to do the assignment ahead of time).
Pre-Algebra Grades are based on 40% Homework, 50% Tests and 10% Quizzes. These scores are weighted in the grade book and put together to form the final grade. Grades began on the 1st day and will be cumulative until the last day of the semester. Students should and will have homework every night. All re-do/late/absent work for any chapter are due on the chapter’s test day.
Pre-Algebra We have gone to Big Ideas text book. Your student got log-in directions on the first day for his on-line version of the text. I have printed textbooks if there isn’t internet at home and will check one out to your student. Website: User Name: school ID Password: school ID
AC Skills AC Skills is an every-other day class. We rotate every 9-weeks. Travalent – Geometry Ardavani – ELA VanderPas – Science 10pts each week for planner filled out! In the Geometry Unit we will be covering MAP information from the Course 3 math book. Chapter 7 – Pythagorean Theorm Chapter 8 – Volume There will be homework/WS each day of AC Skills.
Additional notes I am available for help in the morning from 7:45-8:15, except for Wednesday. I don’t need to know ahead, you can just bring your student up that morning. Please feel free to email me any questions or concerns: Homework that has been completed can be re- done for full credit. Re-do’s are to be completed by the end of each unit. Assessments (Tests/Quizzes) can not be re-done.
Extra Information Paul Kinder MS has more options to help keep you informed about what is going on at school. 1st – School web page which has the monthly activities as well as the daily announcements and what papers you should expect on Friday. 2nd – Blue Springs School District twitter - @BSSDnews and PKMS - @PaulKinderMS 3rd – PKMS Grizzly Gazette.