Harvesting peas in Peoria (Note: Peoria is in the state of Illinois) In LCSH: Peas (May Subd Geog) — Breeding (May Subd Geog) — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) — Genetics — Harvesting (May Subd Geog) This one is easy. The subject heading Peas already has a subdivision for Harvesting established. Our task, then, is to determine if it can be subdivided geographically. The Harvesting subdivision says (May Subd Geog) so we can geographically subdivide at that, our most specific, element. Peoria is a city in Illinois. Can we subdivide Peoria directly? No. We must go through the collecting level. What is the collecting level for a city in the United States (other than New York)? The state. Thus we have: Peas—Harvesting—Illinois—Peoria — Illinois ― Peoria Peas — Harvesting
The psychic aspects of celery in Salerno (Note: Salerno is in Italy) In LCSH: Celery (May Subd Geog) In LCSH our pattern heading for plants: Corn (May Subd Geog) … — Psychic aspects (May Subd Geog) Our subject heading is Celery. But there is no subdivision for psychic aspects? What is our pattern heading for plants and crops? Corn Is there an appropriate subdivision under Corn? Yes. Psychic aspects. Can we subdivide psychic aspects? Yes. Psychic aspects (May Subd Geog) Salerno is a city in Italy. Can we subdivide by Salerno directly? No. What is the collecting level for a city in a country other than the U.S., England, or Canada? The country. So we end up with: Celery—Psychic aspects—Italy—Salerno —Italy ― Salerno Celery — Psychic aspects
The climatic factors of storing Clematis in Corona (Note: This Corona is in California. Clematis is a flowering plant.) In LCSH: Clematis (May Subd Geog) In LCSH our pattern heading for plants: Corn (May Subd Geog) … — Storage (May Subd Geog) — — Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) What is our subject heading? Clematis Is there a storage subdivision established under Clematis? No. Pattern heading: Corn There’s no storage under Climatic factors so let’s check storage. Bingo. --Storage—Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) Corona is city in U.S. Collecting level? State Clematis—Storage—Climatic factors—California—Corona ― California ― Corona Clematis — Storage — Climatic factors
The diaries of the Corless family In LCSH: Corless family (Not Subd Geog) In SCM : Subj. Hdgs. : Names of Families $v Diaries Subject heading for the family: Corless family What list of free-floating subject headings do we use? Names of Families (H 1120) --Diaries ― Diaries Corless family
The California homes of the Corman family In LCSH: Corman family (Not Subd Geog) In SCM : Subj. Hdgs. : Names of Families $v Homes and haunts (May Subd Geog) Subject heading: Corman family List of free-floating subdivisions: Names of Families (H 1120) --Homes and haunts (May Subd Geog) Geographically subdivide by California. ― California Corman family ― Homes and haunts