Video of the Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvRypx1lbR4
Bell Work 2-9 Stalin sent people that opposed him to death camps, what were they called? A new elite class rose to power when Stalin ruled, what group was in power? What did Stalin do that made peasants angry?
Hitler Soldier in WWI Leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party) Tried to overthrow government like Mussolini, imprisoned.
While in prison…. Wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Extreme nationalism Viewed Jews as inferior Blamed WWI loss on Jews, Politicians, & Treaty of Versailles. Wrote that Germany must expand land for its people.
Hitler gets to power Germany was in a depression. Promised to ignore Treaty of Versailles The Nazi program was popular among: middle/lower class War veterans Promised to create jobs
Supreme leader Appointed to Chancellor by German Conservatives. Purged Germany, executed Nazis that were not loyal A “puppet politician.” Within a year, Hitler becomes Dictator. Destroyed Civil Rights. Disbanded political parties.
A Third Reich “New Germany” Totalitarian State Controlled gov’t Religion School SS Officers made sure people obeyed Hitler.
Gestapo– Secret Police Hidden officials to scope out opposition in public. If you cheered Hitler, good. If you were concerned, removed.
Nuremburg Laws– 1935 Laws against Jews Not allowed to hold law/medicine jobs Must marry other Jews Not allowed to go to German schools/universities Not allowed to hold government jobs
Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass” Hitler directed Nazi attacks on Jewish communities. Last attack before the “Final Solution.”
Hitler Youth
Nazi Youth- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqpWWMCmW1I Hitler Facts-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Tk74UYL9Q