GRAD Background and Situation Jennifer Dugan Minnesota Department of Education Director, Statewide Testing “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”
History of Graduation Tests in Minnesota Basic Skills Test (BST) Started with students beginning ninth grade in the 1996-97 school year Meet basic requirements in: Mathematics in grade 8 Reading in grade 8 Writing in grade 10 Final census administration for grade 8 was spring 2005 and spring 2007 for writing In 2005 legislation replaced BST with MCA-II
History of Graduation Tests in Minnesota Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) and Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma (GRAD) Started with students grade 8 in the 2005–2006 Demonstrate mastery of skills needed for success in 21st century: Mathematics in grade 11 Reading in grade 10 Written Composition in grade 9 Initial administration for Mathematics and Reading GRAD embedded in MCA
Alternate Pathway In the 2009 legislative session, the statute changed the mathematics requirements for students in the classes of 2010–2014. Students must: complete all coursework required for graduation, complete all credits required for graduation, participate in district-prescribed academic remediation in mathematics and participate in at least two retests of the Mathematics GRAD or pass the Mathematics GRAD, whichever comes first.
High School Assessments National Trend End of Course Exit Exams ACT and SAT Exploring options for reporting for high school MCA-III Utilizing available tools EPAS system