가상현실 Virtual Reality (CSCE 458 Fall 2004) 담당교수: 김 창 헌(chkim@korea.ac.kr) 김 선 정(sunjeongkim@korea.ac.kr) 이 정(airjung@korea.ac.kr) http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
Virtual Reality (CSCE458, 3학점) Major Attendee: Junior & Senior Course Information Virtual Reality (CSCE458, 3학점) Major Attendee: Junior & Senior Prerequisite Data Structure Computer Graphics C, C++ Programming Skill Time and Classroom Mon, 10:30 ~ 11:45(2교시), 이학관 633호 Wed, 14:00 ~ 15:15(5교시), 이학관 112호 http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
Textbooks Textbook References PowerPoint Lecture Notes Virtual Reality Systems John Vince, Addison-Wesley,1995 Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics R. Stuart Ferguson, A. K. Peters Ltd., 2001 References Computer Graphics C Version 2nd Edition D. Hearn, M. P. Baker, Prentice Hall, 1997 http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
VR-related Problem Solving Techniques Course Outline VR Theory VR-related Problem Solving Techniques 3D Implementation Skills http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
VR Theory Introduction to Virtual Reality VR Systems & Applications VR & HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
VR-related Problem Solving Techniques (1 / 2) Modeling Subdivision surfaces Point-set surfaces Level of Detail (LOD) Animation Dynamics: fluid (gas, water) simulation Motion capture: character Collision detection http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
VR-related Problem Solving Techniques (2 / 2) Rendering Hardware-accelerated rendering Non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) Texture-mapping issues http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
3D Implementation Skills 3D modeling tools MAYA 3D Studio Max 3D graphics libraries Hardware-accelerated OpenGL DirectX Pixel shader Vertex shader http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
You will fail if you miss just one!! Coursework Final exam (25%) Assignments (30%) #1 (10%), #2 (20%) Term project (45%) Paper analysis & Presentation (15%) Implementation (30%) You will fail if you miss just one!! And no negotiation... http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
Assignments Assignment #1 Assignment #2 3D modeling 3D model loader MAYA or 3D Studio Max (3DMax) Assignment #2 3D model loader Import ASCII file format (.asc, .ase, .ma) Rendering Model manipulation Translation, rotation, scaling, ... http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
Assignment #1 Example 3DMax http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
Assignment #2 Example http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
Term Project Paper analysis Presentation Paper implementation Choose one research theme Presentation Paper summary Implementation plan Paper implementation http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
Course Schedule http://kucg.korea.ac.kr
Contact Course web page Laboratory Teaching assistants http://kucg.korea.ac.kr/education/2004/csce458 Laboratory 아산이학관 249호 Teaching assistants 지준용 (guybrushji@korea.ac.kr) 홍진경 (bestinas@korea.ac.kr) 이승호 (gop0077@korea.ac.kr) http://kucg.korea.ac.kr