Fall Family Cook-off! Sunday, October 2nd HAAC JUNIOR would like to welcome everyone to our Annual Fall Family Cook-off!!!! To enter: ***Each team must consist of up to 3 people ***Categories are either soups or stews ***Food May be chopped and washed at home but all entries must be cooked over open fire on premises!! ***ALL entries portions must feed at least 10 ppl ***Entry fee is $30 per team ***Prizes will be awarded to 1st & 2nd place soups & to 1st & 2nd place stews as well as Audience CHOICE ***All entries must be complete for judging @2:30pm TEAMS WANTED! call Attila @908-307-0237 to enter! All are welcome, you don’t have to compete to enjoy the festivities!! Kids Festivities include BOUNCE HOUSE, OBSTACLE COURSE , ZIP LINE , ARCHERY, PUMPKIN CARVING, RELAY RACES, TUG -OF-WAR, & more!! Sunday, October 2nd HAAC Field 23 Weston Rd Somerset, NJ Festivities 12pM-6PM (Teams can start cooking @10am) Donation : General $15 CHILDREN $5 (2-12yrs) Kids under 2 are free!! Beer, spiced Wine, Water, Juice, Yummy Finger foods & of course tastes from all the delicious Soups & Stews from the competition are ALL INCLUDED!!!!! For more info find us on Facebook: HAAC JUNIOR Or email..HaacJunior@Gmail.com