SAE Baja Frame Design Brandt Lamonte, Luke Blocker, Alexandria Williams, Kyle Richert Advisor: Ho-Hoon Lee
SAE Baja Competition Intercollegiate design competition by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Challenge is to build a small vehicle that can withstand harsh terrain Build must follow certain rules and guidelines set forth by SAE (Size, Capability, Human Factors, etc.) Frame Frame Construction and Material 4130 Tubular space frame with 1020 steel brackets and tabs Joining method and material GTAW ER70-S2 filler Targets (Torsional Stiffness or other) 2000 lbs-ft/deg (2712 N-m/deg) Torsional stiffness and validation method 2100 lbs-ft/deg (2847 N-m/deg) CAE beam model, 1800 lbs-ft/deg (2440 N-m/deg) physical test Bare frame weight with brackets and paint 55 lbs (25kg)
Our Project Team consists of 9 members, split into 4 different design groups (Frame, Suspension, Steering, Power) Our group will focus on the design of the frame. Group will be split into 2 subgroups to provide 2 individual frame designs Complete Solidworks 3D design with stress analysis
Purpose The project will: Demonstrate the students’ ability to research, plan, and orchestrate the designing of a frame with given parameters Give the opportunity for M.E.T. students to apply knowledge in a real-world assignment Test the students’ ability to work within a group and communicate clearly, concisely, and professionally Create a well designed and efficiently built Baja buggy frame
Method (Brandt & Luke) Research to gain understanding Decide desirable tubing size Make reasonable assumptions to begin modeling Stress analysis Select material and estimate cost Mesh frame concept with other groups’ component designs Design mounting interfaces Final stress analysis Final modifications
Deliverables (Brandt & Luke) Solidworks 3-D frame design Complete stress analysis of frame Design of mounting interfaces between Baja team groups Material Selection Cost analysis
Tentative Timeline (Brandt & Luke) February 24th Proposal presentation Brandt & Luke February 25th - March 10th Research and initial design March 11th - 17th Design alongside Suspension team and adjustments March 18th - March 31st Research and rough draft Design April 1st - April 7th Stress Analysis Luke April 8th - April 15th Develop 3D Model of final draft in Solidworks April 16th - April 21st Design mounting interface Brandt April 22nd - April 23rd Material selection April 24th - April 27th Cost Analysis April 28th - May 4th Create final proposal and presentation May 5th Present final presentation
Method (Alex & Kyle) Estimate respectable dimensions for driver’s comfort placement of suspension configuration of powertrain steering components Research materials tensile strength round and square tubing weight machinability Design 3-D model using Solidwork or Comsol with force analysis Cost analysis
Deliverables (Alex & Kyle) Research a metal material that complies with the SAE Mini Baja regulations (Alex) Provide accommodations for other Baja components (powertrain, suspension, and steering) (Kyle) Understand how to create using reverse engineering (Alex & Kyle) Create 3D model analyzing forces and complete stress analysis (Kyle) Cost analysis
Tentative Timeline (Alex and Kyle) February 7-23 Meet with advisor, group selection, create proposal and presentation February 24 Presentation Day February 25-March 10 Research and rough draft Design March 11-17 Design alongside other teams and adjustments March 18- April 7 Develop 3D Model of rough draft in Solid works or Comsol April 8 - 21 Develop 3D Model of final draft in Solid works or Comsol April 22-May 4 Create final proposal and presentation May 5 Present final presentation