PM 2.5 Attainment Re-designation Approvals


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Presentation transcript:

PM 2.5 Attainment Re-designation Approvals EPA published Federal Register Notices Approving Attainment: August 28th – for 2006 “Daily” PM2.5 Standard (Effective 9/27/17) August 29th – for 1997 “Annual” PM2.5 Standard (Effective 8/29/17) Completes a long process to meet attainment for these standards: First designated nonattainment on April 5, 2005 for PM2.5 Annual Standard Attainment based on “Clean” Data from 2013-2015 Re-designation Request formally submitted to EPA on 12/20/2016 Entire Knoxville Region is now in Attainment of all EPA Air Quality Standards for first time since June 15, 2004.

Some Benefits of Attainment Status Most Obvious Benefit – Cleaner Air for better health and environment of the Region Eliminates Stigma of Nonattainment Status for Recruiting New Industries to the Region Reduces some requirements for environmental permitting such as New Source Review offsets Still requires existing control technology to remain, i.e. “anti-backsliding” Eliminates Transportation Conformity Requirement for the PM2.5 Annual Standard Region is meeting the newer “2012 Annual Standard” therefore 1997 Standard has been revoked Conformity still required as a “Maintenance Area” for the 2006 Daily Standard

Air Quality Improvements – Health Benefit 1999 – Total of 135 Ozone and PM2.5 Combined Exceedance Days 2015 – Total of 2 Ozone and PM2.5 Combined Exceedance Days

Sources of Air Quality Improvements Population, Economic Activity and Vehicle Miles of Travel all increasing, but overall pollution is decreasing. Decreasing pollution can be attributed to: Regulations enacted by Clean Air Act Technology improvements Economic Factors One success story example is TVA, which has decreased Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide emissions by over 90%