Teaching as a Vocation, Mission, and a Profession Prepared by: Nadine L. Molitas
Prayer: Prayer for Teachers
Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1.) Define teaching, vocation, mission, and profession using their own words 2.) Analyze the concept of teaching as a vocation, mission and profession 3.) Write a short reflection on the significance of knowing teaching as a vocation, a mission, and a profession, as aspiring teachers.
4PICS1WORD Teaching: Nadine C. Matondo, MAIS 1.)Iqbal (1996) indicates three uses of the word “teaching” in common discourse: a.) body of knowledge b.) an occupation or a profession of a teacher c.) the way of making something known to others Nadine C. Matondo, MAIS 2.) the act, practice, or profession of a teacher www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/teaching 3.) Process Imparting/Transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the students
4PICS1WORD: Vocation Vocation comes from the latin word “vocare” which means “ to call”. Based on the etymology of the word, vocation, therefore, means a call.” It is a strong feeling of sustainability for a particular career or occupation For Christians, the Caller is God Himself. For our Muslim brothers and sisters, its Allah A calling is a sacred gift, it’s a way to reach out. ( Chard, 2002). We know Abraham, the first one called by God, to become the Father of a great Nation, the nation of God’s chosen people We recall Moses who was called while in Egypt to lead God’s chosen people out of Egypt in order to free them from slavery. True Vocation is using your gifts for the benefit of others in a way that makes you happy. You don’t necessarily need a paying occupation to do that We are familiar with Muhammad, the last of the prophets to be called by Allah, to spread His teachings Buddha must have also heard the call to abandon his royal life in order to seek the answer to the suffering.
Teaching as a Vocation LOVING CONCERN for one’s Student A teacher who practices teaching as his vocation responds to the strong feeling, or calling for service, just like historic biblical figures, with utmost dedication. There is PERSONAL COMMITMENT Assume a teaching role out of SERVICE Clarity and Patience SELF-LESS Choice
TEACHING AS A VOCATION Perhaps, you never dreamed to become a teacher But you are here now to become one! How did it happen? From the Eyes of those who believe, it was God who called you here The fact that you are here in the University, taking CIT class signifies that you positively responded to the call to teach, right?
4PICS1WORD MISSION 1.) Comes from the Latin word “misio” which means to send. https://www.merriam- webster.com 2.) Task or Job that someone is given to do. https://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/ta sk 3.) a body of persons sent to perform a service http://www.thefreedictionary .com/mission
Teaching as a Mission
TEACHING AS A MISSION: 3 Elements The TEACHER The MISSION The LEARNER 1.) To Impart Knowledge to our students 2.) To teach the child the fundamental concepts and help him master basic skills so he can continue acquiring higher level skills in order to become a productive member of society 3.) To influence every child entrusted in our care to become better and happier because life becomes more meaningful, thereby making a lasting impact. 4.) To help the child become more human. “ To Inform and Transform” Knowledge and Skill Character Passion The DOER of the Mission The OBJECT of the Mission The outcome of the learners determine the achievement of the mission
4PICS1WORD PROFESSION A paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification (https://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf- 8&fr=tightropetb&p=Profession&type=64891_05171 7) A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation (Merriam Webster)
Characteristic of a Profession Characteristics of the Profession ( Barker, P.2004) 1.) Possess skills and competence 2.)Serve public, their clients above self-interest 3.) Receive an extensive period of education 4.) Competence is tested by means of appropriate examination and other forms of assessment 5.) Received action based training in the professional skills 6.) Licensed to practice 7.) Existence and enforcement of a code of ethics and professional conduct
Profession The term professional is one of the most exalted in the English language, denoting as it does, long and arduous years of preparation, a striving for excellence, a dedication to the public interest, and commitment to moral and ethical values”. - Hermogenes P. Pobre, Ph.D.
Teaching as a Profession
Teaching as a Profession Why long and arduous years of preparation for teaching? 1.) The teaching process is done for remuneration 2.) There is expectation of certain expertise 3.)There is accountability for academic expertise and skills. a.) have a mastery of their field/ craft b.) have knowledge in other fields as well c.) Update to almost everything- “authentic learning”
Teaching as a Profession a striving for excellence “ pwede na” “talgang ganyan, wala na tayong magagawa” As creators of all other profession, “ step out side the comfort zone” Quality of work Initiative Persistence: Take no for an answer
Teaching as a Profession commitment to moral and ethical values Teaching is the Noblest Profession - REQUIRES THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF MORALITY-
Teaching and a Life of Meaning Teaching may not be a lucrative position. It cannot guarantee financial security. It even means investing your personal time, energy, and resources. Sometimes it means disappointments, heartaches, and pains. But touching the hearts of people and opening the minds of children can give you joy and contentment which money could not buy. These are the moments I teach for. These are the moments I live for.” - Dr. Josette T. Biyo
Integration Share a short reflection/ realization on the significance of knowing that teaching is a profession, a mission and a vocation, as aspiring teachers.
Thank you very much
Resources: https://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/sk/excellence.htm https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary Buijs, J. A. (2005). Teaching: Profession or Vocation?. Journal of Catholic Education, 8 (3). Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/ ce/vol8/iss3/9 https://www.slideshare.net/competents2011/need-and-function-of-teaching- by-anand-6686363 https://www.slideshare.net/ymdp08/the-teaching-learning-process http://www.thefreedictionary.com/mission https://www.slideshare.net/KrisdenLao/teaching-as-vocation-mission-and- profession