Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned


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Presentation transcript:

Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned CRANACH, Lucas the Elder Adam and Eve Panel Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned 09 ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

75. What was the first human sin? 396-403 415-417 When tempted by the devil, the first man and woman allowed trust in their Creator to die in their hearts. In their disobedience they wished to become “like God” but without God and not in accordance with God (Genesis 3:5). Thus, Adam and Eve immediately lost for themselves and for all their descendants the original grace of holiness and justice.

Introduction God created Adam and Eve, infused in them the supernatural and preternatural gifts and placed them in the Garden of Eden. But Adam and Eve committed a very serious sin: original sin. All men inherit this sin. Pain, suffering, hatred, wars and all other misfortunes that affect men and the world spring from original sin. God created Adam and Eve, infused in them the supernatural and preternatural gifts and placed them in the Garden of Eden. They were very happy. Nothing was harmful to them; they worked but did not suffer fatigue. After being happy on earth, they were destined to go to Heaven –without undergoing death- to enjoy God for all of eternity. But Adam and Eve committed a very serious sin: original sin. In Chapter 3 of the Book of Genesis we can read about this sin. They offended God by disobeying Him. Since Adam and Eve were our first parents, all men inherit this sin. Pain, suffering, hatred, wars and all other misfortunes that affect men and the world spring from original sin. It is worthwhile studying this subject in order to better understand the evil things that happen in the world and within each man. BOSCH, Hieronymus Paradise: Terrestrial Paradise Oil on panel, 86,5 x 39,5 cm Palazzo Ducale, Venice

Main ideas ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

1. The happiness of our first parents in the Garden of Eden God, out of love, created our first parents so that they could eventually contemplate Him and live eternally in His presence. To that end He made them participants in His divine life by means of sanctifying grace or the life of grace. God placed them in an earthly paradise and gave them many other gifts: they were free from error and from the inclination to evil, they were created free from pain, disease and death (the preternatural gifts). These gifts -supernatural and preternatural- were to be transmitted by Adam and Eve to their descendants. God, out of love, created our first parents, Adam and Eve, so that they could eventually contemplate Him and live eternally in His presence. To that end He made them participants in His divine life. We call this great and undeserved gift sanctifying grace or the life of grace. God placed them in an earthly paradise -the Garden of Eden-and gave them many other gifts: God illuminated their intelligence and fortified their will. Since they were free from error and from the inclination to evil, they were created free from pain, disease and death (the preternatural gifts). These gifts -supernatural and preternatural- were to be transmitted by Adam and Eve to their descendants. CRANACH, Lucas the Elder The Paradise 1530 Limewood, 81 x 114 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

2. The trial of our first parents As with the angels, God put our first parents to the test by giving them a commandment to prove their faithfulness to Him. If they obeyed, they would preserve the graces and gifts that God had given to them and their descendants. But if they disobeyed, they would lose those graces and gifts. God, being their absolute lord and sovereign, could impose such an obligation on them, always in the hope that they would remain faithful to Him. As with the angels, God put our first parents to the test by giving them a commandment to prove their faithfulness to Him. If they obeyed, they would preserve the graces and gifts that God had given to them and their descendants. But if they disobeyed, they would lose those graces and gifts. God, being their absolute lord and sovereign, could impose such an obligation on them, always in the hope that they would remain faithful to Him. BALDUNG GRIEN, Hans Eve, the Serpent, and Death 1510-12 Panel National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

3. Our first parents sinned Adam and Eve disobeyed God and fell into sin. It was a sin of pride, because they wanted to be like God. Having committed this original sin they lost the divine friendship (grace) and the preternatural gifts that God had given them. Our first parents were submitted to concupiscence, the inclination to sin, an inclination which in itself is not sinful, but incites to evil. But on being tempted by Satan -the father of all lies- Adam and Eve disobeyed God and fell into sin. It was a sin of pride, because they wanted to be like God, but they followed the demon. Having committed this original sin they lost the divine friendship (grace) and the preternatural gifts that God had given them so magnanimously. Even their natural gifts were wounded and, once their inner harmony was shattered, they became subjected to the snares of evil. Our first parents were submitted to concupiscence, the inclination to sin, an inclination which in itself is not sinful, but incites to evil. MILANI, Aureliano Expulsion of Adam and Eve Oil on canvas, 153 x 106 cm Private collection

4. Men are born under the effects of original sin and suffer the consequences In Adam the entire human race inherited the effects of that sin. That is to say, when receiving our human nature from our first parents, we receive it stained with Adam´s sin. Without that inner harmony, we are inclined to sin (concupiscence). This is what we call the original sin, with which we all are born. When Adam, the father of the human race, lost the grace and the accompanying God-given gifts, each and every one of his descendants suffered the same loss: in Adam the entire human race inherited the effects of that sin. That is to say, when receiving our human nature from our first parents, we receive it stained with Adam´s sin. And without that inner harmony, we are inclined to sin (concupiscence). This is what we call the original sin, with which we all are born. Durer's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1498)

5. Consequences of original sin All men are born with the terrible inherent consequences of original sin. We are born without grace, in a state of sin which turns us away from God and inclines us towards evil. We call this inclination concupiscence. We are subject to illness, pain and finally, death. By original sin, Satan acquired great influence on the world. Adam’s sin is the origin of all the sins, failures and ills of mankind. All men are born with the terrible inherent consequences of original sin. We are born without grace, in a state of sin which turns us away from God and inclines us towards evil. We call this inclination concupiscence, which reveals itself in our disordered desire for material things, unbridled sensuality, greed for earthly honours. . . We are subject to illness, pain and finally, death. By original sin, Satan acquired great influence on the world. SIGNORELLI, Luca The Damned Being Plunged into Hell (detail) 1499-1502 Fresco Chapel of San Brizio, Duomo, Orvieto

6. God had pity on mankind and promised a Redeemer God had pity on mankind and promised future redemption. He promised that from the human race would emerge a Redeemer -Jesus Christ-, who would save humanity from original sin and its consequences. In spite of original sin, God had pity on mankind and promised future redemption. He promised that from the human race would emerge a Redeemer -Jesus Christ-, who would save humanity from original sin and its consequences. ALTDORFER, Albrecht The Resurrection of Christ c. 1516 Oil on wood, 70,5 x 37,3 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Resolutions for Christian life ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

Resolutions to move forward Learn the Act of Contrition. It can be recited as a sign of repentance for our sins before confession and at other times of the day. Be aware of the fact that as a consequence of original sin we need to make a strong effort to avoid sin, but always in a spirit of Christian joy.