News Construction بنية الأخبار- أكاديمية التربية الرقمية ٢٠١٤ بيروت-- أكاديمية التربية الرقمية ٢٠١٤ عبير النجار- أستاذ مساعد قسم الاتصال الجماهيري الجامعة الآميريكية في الشارقة
صف\صفي الخبر ب ٣ صفات List three characteristics of news تمرين: صف\صفي الخبر ب ٣ صفات List three characteristics of news Lenses Accuracy NBC report Fact from opinion (Hannity/ Russle exchange) Balance (how do we measure it?)
Why does it matter?
الصورة الصحفية
News is Accurate
Diane Sawyer- Anchor of ABC World News July 9. 2014.
News is balanced
Anchors- Sean Hannity of Fox News Yousef Munayyer
News is factual
الاهرام –محدثات السلام- البيت الابيض ٢٠١٠ –سبتمبر ١٥
الصورة الأصلية
١٧- آغسطس ٢٠٠٦ عدنان حاج Adnan Hajj and the Reuters image of Israel War on Lebanon…
Being news literate requires multi literacies News concept and requirements News shortcomings – structural, professional & ideological Language literacy Image literacy
Who cares about news? من يهتم بالأخبار؟ Who manipulate the news? Policy makers Citizens Journalists Lobbyists, advocates, NGOS PR companies and spin doctors
Technology & 24/7 news cycle Demand Competition for audience attention Sensationalization and tabloidization
News sources Impact language Use of labels Problem definition Causes Blame
Advertisers Popular content over important content Consuming habits and behavior May press the media to refrain from publiching certain stories
Professional filters News values News routines Newsworthiness News story
News values Newness Conflict Personal Bizzar
Event- vs. theme Little context Action based
Language literacy Language (occupation/self defense) Terms and quotes (sources impact) and narrative Questions – Sean Hannity questions to Yousef Whose agenda and whose perspective
ذكرى رابعة والنهضة ١٤ آغسطس ٢٠١٣ الوادي دعت حملة باطل أرز الجبهات الداعمة للرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي الى احتشاد جماعة الاخوان المسلمين وحلفائها فيما أسمته الانتفاضة الكبرى لاحياء ذكرى “الأربعاء الأسود” الأهرام “الاخوان وذكرى ازالة مستوطنة رابعة” “جماعة الاخوان المسلمين الارهابية”
مصادر الموضوعات/القصص الاخبارية مصادر اللغة/المفردات مصادر الموضوعات/القصص الاخبارية
History & News Space limitations/ time limitations/ routines limitations/ frame/ PR/ etc., Questions the –entertainment and news Accurate portrayal of events Clarity of causes leading to the event Complete picture of the historical period What are the consequences of the dramatic events
Media Events & Newsmakers
اتفاقية كامب ديفيد ١٩٧٨
٣٠ يونيو ٢٠١٣ – القاهرة
مظاهرة في لندن لدعم الفلسطينيين –أغسطس ٢٠١٤
Royal Wedding Kate & Andrew
Media Events Television events Pre-staged, pre-planned Co-production between Media & Establishments Nowadays Co-production between media & Anti-Establishment Ehud Katz and Tamar Liebes 2007
Decision-making process in the broadcast newsroom The general questions they would encounter are: Who is the initial gatekeeper for news stories? What is the criteria for the selection of stories Is the process of news selection arbitrary (one person) or consultative? Is there an appeals process? How is it determined which crews are assigned to a story How are deadlines for a story determined? Time constraints have a direct influence on the quality of the news coverage
Framing Frames can suggest individual audience understanding of certain political issue. Attention can be steered towards “civil liberties frame” through the use of “free speech controversy” which make the public opinion more “tolerant” to the rallies of public protests. Contrariwise, law and order narrative “terrorism”, was necessary to create chauvinism and intolerance, amongst audience that enable them to detach themselves from their fellow Egyptians and cast them as “terrorist”. “The words and images that make up the frame can be distinguished from the rest of the news by their capacity to stimulate support of or opposition to the sides in a political conflict.” Nelson, Clawson, & Oxley (1997) Media Framing of Civil Liberties Conflict. P. 568 Entman 2003, p. 417.