Take Charge of Your Career Trajectory With Jo Miller
Homework Have a 15-minute check-in with your buddy. Share what you’re doing to take action. Review the 4 steps for making your value visible, and take action. Read 100 Qualities of a Leader. Select 10 qualities that best represent your leadership style and strengths. Come to the next session prepared to report on what you’ve learned.
4 steps for making your brand visible Work less Communicate your brand to others Work hard on the right projects Promote your accomplishments 5%
What did you learn about making your value visible?
www.beleaderly.com/ 100-qualities-of-a-leader/
Leading Others
www.beleaderly.com/ 100-qualities-of-a-leader/
Qualities of a Leader Which 3 qualities would you like to focus on developing in the next year? What is your action plan?
74% agree. 4% strongly agree. From the prep survey I am able to motivate and manage others, regardless of whether they report to me. 74% agree. 4% strongly agree.
6 steps for leading others, with or without direct authority
“Good questions wake people up. They prompt new ideas “Good questions wake people up. They prompt new ideas. They show people new places, new ways of doing things. They help us admit that we don’t know all the answers.” “Good questions wake people up. They prompt new ideas. They show people new places, new ways of doing things. They help us admit that we don’t know all the answers.” — Michael J. Marquardt, Leading With Questions. — Michael J. Marquardt
What mindset would you need to be in to lead others by asking questions?
A Leader’s Mindset for Asking Questions Build trust Be curious Be non-defensive Be open to diverse and challenging viewpoints Truly listen Clarify what you’re hearing Make it a conversation Ask follow-up questions Act on what you hear and learn
6 steps for leading others, with or without direct authority Shared vision Co-create clear expectations Co-create accountability Poll: Which of the 6 steps will you focus on? Shared vision Co-create clear expectations Co-create accountability Turn them loose Frequent check-ins Celebrate success!
Questions for Setting Expectations and Accountability What is our shared goal? What’s our ultimate purpose behind this goal? How will we know we’re successful? How will we measure success? What steps must we take, to get there? What are we accountable to delivering? What piece of this will you own? How will we hold ourselves accountable? How will we respond if things go off-track?
6 steps for leading others, with or without direct authority Shared vision Co-create clear expectations Co-create accountability Turn them loose Frequent check-ins Celebrate success!
Poll 1: Which of the 6 steps will you focus on? Shared vision Co-create clear expectations Co-create accountability Turn them loose Frequent check-ins Celebrate success! Poll: Which of the 6 steps will you focus on? Shared vision Co-create clear expectations Co-create accountability Turn them loose Frequent check-ins Celebrate success!
The emerging leader’s quandary You can’t get a higher-level job without leadership experience… But you can’t get leadership experience without the job.
You can’t afford to wait… Don’t wait for permission or an invitation to lead. Don’t wait for someone to promote you. Take charge of your own career trajectory!
Looking back Getting the lay of the land Your sphere of influence Your leadership brand Making your value visible Leading others
Poll 2 Which of these topics will make the greatest difference for you in the next year?
What is the most important thing you’ll be taking away from this program?
Homework Fill in the survey! Have a 15-minute check-in with your buddy. Share your personal action plan. Stay in touch Save the PowerPoint slides at www.Beleaderly.com/groupb Schedule a future date to review your action plan and reflect upon what you have learned.
This presentation is available at BeLeaderly.com/groupb
Q & A