How to write an essay on theme Level 2
THE THEME (Write the theme in one clear statement)
The message in The Book Thief is that words have power. Words can be dangerous.
Expand this statement
We see this in the way that the words of Hitler have led to this cruel and destructive treatment of a group of people and have plunged a country into war. We also see how words help both Liesel and Max to express their emotions and they present their feelings through the books they write. We also recognise that words can change our understanding, build relationships or destroy them We see that words can be used for good or for evil.
Write a sentence that outlines how the author has presented this idea.
The power of words is presented to us through the books Liesel steals and Max writes. Words show up on the doors of Jewish shops, in the books Liesel learns from and ones that are written for her. The power of words is in the dialogue of the characters , for example, Death’s statements; Rosa’s use of saumench and saukerl – her swearing hiding the great love she has for her family; the tirade Liesel lets loose on Ilse Hermann in her anger and grief. Words, we see, are both cruel and kind.
Write down what the importance of this message is to you or to its wider audience
This message builds awareness of the power of speech and writing to build or destroy. Hitler’s speeches led to war and hatred and extreme prejudice. Today we see similar hatreds fanned by certain leaders who believe their ideas are true and must be followed or by leaders who desire to hold on to power at all costs. Good words eg MLK’s speech have done the opposite and built strong ideas about the way we perceive other human beings. The novel makes us aware of the power of literature which has more permanence in some ways than a speech for either good or evil. We become better people because of what we read.
The use of words to destroy, to spit out hatred and prejudice are shown in the novel to be destructive to more than those they are aimed at. Hans Hubermann’s son accuses his father of cowardice of not being loyal and patriotic. His words split them apart – a parting that is never healed and both men lose something precious. This is a small part of the effect of prejudiced ideas expressed in words. Through these we are shown the ugliness of ideology and the negative effects of conflict on both a world scale like war and on a small human scale. Liesel’s love of words and the relationship built with Max which centres around words reveals to us the other side of language. Well used it is life affirming and healing. Through the conversation with Death, his style of speech, the way he describes himself and his perspective on humanity gives us a different view so we see life and dying differently.
HOW does the author convey ideas on this theme? Choose 3 techniques from the following and provide examples to support: setting, narrative voice or structure, symbolism, dialogue, characterisation, language features.
Technique 1
Technique 2
Technique 3
What meaning does the technique bring to the reader? Why was the technique used? What is implied or suggested by using this technique?
How effective is the use of the technique and why? Does the writer achieve their purpose?
What did you personally think of the idea that was presented?
How is this idea relevant today? How has your understanding of this idea/ issue changed? What feelings did this idea evoke in you as a reader of this text?