BioEYES Session Reflection SalimaOudghiri
Positive Impacts Technology (Using microscopes, looking at the zebrafish on screen) Watching the stages of development Lab Tours Radiation Lab Biochemistry Lab Zebra Fish Research
Pedagogy of BioEYES Sessions What I would like to take back to the classroom: Peer Editing of Science Notebook Criteria or Rubric for Science Notebook Post classroom data into Wiki Compare results from each school
Pedagogy of BioEYES Sessions Introduce DNA extraction to students and have students extract DNA Background Knowledge: Describe what a gene is?/How many whromosomes are found in a zebra fish?/How are zebra fish used in research studies? Discuss the stages of development of the zebra fish
Modern Lab DNA Extraction Students can use a variety of sources to extra DNA from Strawberry Peas Broccoli Liver
Benefits of BioEYES Curriculum Incorporates critical thinking skills; students engage in the scientific process and make their own discoveries each day While learning about zebra fish, students can discover why zebra fish are beneficial for scientific studies. Small and easy to take care for Produce large number of offspring Inexpensive Fast growth
Useful Strategies to Implement Encourage students to take on the role and responsibilities of a scientist Science notebooks will be utilized by students to demonstrate their understanding and summary of each day’s activity. Emphasize essential criteria: Write (at least) four observations in complete sentences. Differentiate between observation versus inferences Record data in data table and produce a graph of results Calculate average mortality rate