TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY CHAIR OF PUBLIC SCIENCES № 1 Lecture number 7 Philosophy of “life”
PLAN: 1. The essence of being 2. Basic forms of being 3. The problem of substance in philosophy 4. Matter and the form of its existence
Ontology (from the Greek Ontology (from the Greek. Ontos-being, logos - teaching) the doctrine of the present, ie, teaching about life.
Genesis is a philosophical category denoting the reality that exists objectively, independently of the mind, will and emotions. The problem of interpretation of life and its relation to consciousness is at the center of philosophical outlook.
As rightly pointed out: "Genesis - is something that requires understanding and that is, kept in the lumen, insight. Being - is not the kind or variety of subjects, not a general concept of the class of objects, being - this being exists. Being - that's what awaits the vision or understanding of its existence. "
The concept of being differently understood and interpreted in a variety of concepts. Some understand being under a specific, real, material existence. In other underneath understand being spiritual or ideal order.
Around the concept of being philosophers have always held heated discussions, arguments, and they continue to this day, as "Being" the most general concept in philosophy. The antithesis of the concept of being advocates nothingness, nothing that does not exist.
Here are some values of the word. Parmenides' being there, but there is no non-being. " Descartes identified being and thinking ("think, therefore I exist"). Marx said, for example: being determines thought (consciousness). Or, thinking, consciousness - a reflection of life. Being initially, thinking, consciousness is secondary.
Hamlet's question 'to be or not to be? " In Shakespeare's Hamlet says: To be or not to be - that is the question Dignity eh Humble ourselves under the blows of fate Or should offer resistance And death battle with a sea of troubles Do away with them? For Hamlet to be - not just to exist, and live a full and dignified.
In existentialism theme being sounded often and in such an interpretation: "life - being - death." Karl Jaspers often used the expression: "Being the face of death."
Erich Fromm - neo-Freudians - tried to connect Freudianism and Marxism, opposed to "be" and "to have" (being the name). In the book, "To be or to have", he says that for a person to be more important, and not have it. In Marxism, private property is recognized as the main enemy of mankind, and a means to have something, some kind of property.
Another problem that is raised by philosophers associated with the concept of life - to be or seem. Another Bishop Berkeley said: "There was, to be perceived." This is also an interesting problem
In the philosophical heritage of Avicenna (Ibn Sina, 980-1037 In the philosophical heritage of Avicenna (Ibn Sina, 980-1037.) Being represented as the product of the divine mind. In being Avicenna distinguishes necessary things, which can not be - it is God, and the actual existence in the form of fact that could not be. Such a being is possible that exists, because in itself it has no reason of being.
Being covered in itself all that existed, exists and will exist, ie objective and subjective reality. That is, nature, people, thoughts, ideas, society still exist, for various forms of existence, they are primarily due to their existence, form a coherent, unified being.
Being is all that exists Being is all that exists. This material things, it's all the processes (physical, chemical, geological, biological, social, psychological, spiritual), it is their property, communication and relationships.
Fruits are the most violent fantasies, fairy tales, myths, and even delirium sick imagination - they are also there as a kind of spiritual reality, as part of being ". Thus, the "spirit and matter, at least this in common, that they are there" (J. Dietzgen).
To distinguish between forms of life are turning to the category of substance. Essence (from Lat. Substantia) - the essence, something underlying.
Essence - the internal unity of the manifold specific things, events, phenomena and processes by which and through which the substance exists.
Bacon regarded as the ultimate substance and ground of being identified with the form of the substance of particular things. Descartes believed that the basis of life are two distinct substances: material and spiritual. Material substance determined by the extent and spiritual - thinking.
According to the epistemological direction, substance is a conventional idea that lies at the heart of the world (Locke). According to Kant, the substance - the condition of the possibility of all the synthetic unity of perception, ie experience. In some modern philosophical concepts there is a negative attitude to the category of substance.
For example, the neo-positivists believe that the substance coarsens human view of the world is the product of a simplified understanding of the nature and everyday life.
Substrate - (Latin substratum) total material basis phenomena set of relatively simple, high-quality basic material entities Substrate of a substance recognized molecule substrate molecules - atoms, the substrate of life - nucleic acids and proteins.
For example, to Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius is atoms and the void, to Anaximander - Apeiron, for Plato - the idea, the spirit, for Thales - water, Heraclitus - fire, etc. Aristotle emphasizes that "all .. . simply arises from some existing substrate, it is apparent from the observations. Always in fact is the basis of anything from what is occurring, for example, plants and animals out of the seed. "
In modern science, the substrate of a substance recognized molecule substrate molecules - atoms, the substrate of life - nucleic acids and proteins. Substrate understanding of being one-sided, because the substrate is viewed as an absolutely stable, devoid of change and development.
The main difference between substantial and substrate approach to reality is that if the first approach, a certain kind of material is the basis and essence of the world as a whole, in the second approach, specific, concrete, individual, basic education is considered as building block of the universe. In both approaches, an absolute kind of real life.
The opposite of being is nothingness The opposite of being is nothingness. If by being understood as something, then the non-existence means nothing. Being, as noted above, is, it covers all the objective and subjective reality that exists in the form of specific things and phenomena of relative qualitative method.
The world around us is composed of two areas of reality The world around us is composed of two areas of reality. It is an objective and subjective reality. What exists outside and independent of consciousness - is an objective reality, which is equivalent to the category of "stuff."
That is connected with human consciousness and is its product - a subjective reality. Objective reality is equivalent to the material form of existence, and subjective - perfect. According to materialism, the ideal form of life is a product of material existence. According to the idealism of the material is establishment or form of manifestation of the ideal.
Matter - a philosophical category, covering all existing objective reality. The movement is the main mode of existence of life.