Overview of East Asian Summer Monsoon etc Department of Meteorology The Grantham Institute for Climate Change Overview of East Asian Summer Monsoon etc Brian Hoskins
Mean sea level pressure (ERA40 data) Dec-Feb L L H H June-Aug H H L
Average Surface Temperature Dec - Feb June-Aug
Winds at 925hPa Dec-Feb June-Aug
Winds at 200 hPa Dec-Feb June-Aug
Rainfall (mm/day) Dec-Feb June-Aug
Column integrated Heating
Average Temperature 200-500 hPa Dec-Feb June-Aug
Streamfunction & velocity potential at 200 hPa DJF
Summer monsoon & subtropical anticyclone cartoon W C C W C Equator
Climate of Chinese summer rainfall in the period 1958-2007 Yonghui Lei
Summer: Moisture transport by the atmosphere May H July
Moisture transport 1958-2002 June July August
Seasonal Progression of the Meiyu-Changma-Baiu Front 335K Ɵe at 850 hPa Yonghui Lei
Latitude-time section at 105-122E Chinese summer rainfall
Baiu lat-time 130-140E composited with respect to its end-day Shin-ichi Suzuki Θe at 850 Precip rate
Composites of 325K Ɵe at 850 hPa wrt Baiu end
20-60N 250 Streamfunction departures composited wrt Baiu end
Dominant patterns of winds and OLR associated with summer intraseasonal oscillations 850hPa – Active phase over India Dominant EOF pattern of OLR associated with peak active/break spell over India 200hPa – Active phase over India Annamalai, Slingo and Sperber
Direct response to Tibetan Plateau Liu et al, 2007 Idealised shape Realistic shape D D U U
Response to Tibetan Plateau, including heating above it Liu et al, 2007 D U D U Fig. 5
Extreme states of Intra-seasonal Oscillation in model Fig. 9
Fig. 7
Trend in measured summer rainfall 1958-2007 Yonghui Lei Yonghui Lei mm
Two summer rainfall patterns Yonghui Lei
Two summer rainfall patterns 1901-2002 (CRU data)
Rainfall Intensity & Frequency 1958-2007 Yonghui Lei
Regression of surface temperature on PCs of Chinese summer rainfall previous spring & summer
EOF1 of summer rainfall & Tibetan Plateau temperatures Wang et al 2008
Overview of East Asian Summer Monsoon etc Department of Meteorology The Grantham Institute for Climate Change Overview of East Asian Summer Monsoon etc Brian Hoskins
DJF Heating below 700 hPa
Total Precipitation
Fig. 6
Fig. 12