Week beginning Monday 2nd May (Exams start Wednesday 4th May) Year 9 Exams Week Week beginning Monday 2nd May (Exams start Wednesday 4th May)
Which subjects will you be tested in? You will have exams in May in the three core subjects. These are English, Maths and Science.
Why have exams during May? These will help to assess your progress against your end of KS3 targets alongside evidence from in class and other assessments. They will give you the opportunity to experience the kind of examinations that you will sit at GCSE in years 10 and 11.
Why else are they important? The results of these examination will be feedback to you and your parents. They will help staff to decide which group or set you will be in for these subjects next year. They will allow you to practice your revision techniques before those all important GCSE’s.
The Exam timetable ENGLISH (Paper 1) 1 hour 20 Reading YEAR 9 TESTING - MAY 2016 Wednesday 4th May Thursday 5th May Friday 6th May Monday 9th May Period 1/2 ENGLISH (Paper 1) 1 hour 20 Reading MATHEMATICS (Paper 1) - 1 hour 15 (F) and 1 hour 30 (H) MATHEMATICS (Paper 2) 1 hour 45 (F) and 2 hours (H) Hoy (All) Redgrave A-H Ennis (All ) Redgrave J - Z Hoy (All) Redgrave A - H Period 3/4 SCIENCE (Paper 1) - 1 hour 25 Science (Paper 2) - 1 hour Ennis (All) Redgrave J - Z Period 5/6 ENGLISH (Paper 1) 1 hour 20) Reading ENGLISH (Paper 2) 1 hour 20 (Writing)
What type of things will I be tested on in English? All papers have been designed to mirror the type and style of exam paper that will be taken in year 11 Reading paper- 1 Hour and 20 Minutes The reading paper is based upon an unseen extract from a novel. There are 3 questions that you will have to answer: Writing Paper – 1 Hour and 20 Minutes You will be presented with an unseen image. Your task will be to write either a description or the opening to a short story based upon the image. You need to focus on using key descriptive language and features and should aim to write between 300 to 600 words.
What type of things will I be tested on in Maths? There are two papers to be sat in Maths. These are maths GCSE papers. The content of these will include number, algebra, space, shape and measure and handling data. There will be a link to every topic that they have covered in KS3 (years 7 to 9).
What type of thing will I be tested on in Science? There are two Science papers. These will test your knowledge in the following areas: Cells, Respiration, Photosynthesis, Digestion, Variation, Ecosystems The periodic table, behaviour of metals, structure of the atom, solubility, separating mixtures Electrical circuits, speed, energy transfer, pressure Variables, data interpretation, evaluation
What do I need to do to prepare for these exams? You only have a couple of weeks until these exams start. In order to do well you will need to revise the areas covered on the exams. This needs to be started soon and should be planned out. Revision should be “little and often” from now until the exams start. You should spend 45 minutes maximum on a revision task before have a break.
What should I revise from? Exercise and school books. Revision guides Internet including BBC bitesize or youtube. Old assessments and practice papers. Good Luck!