From: The Retinal Disease Screening Study: Prospective Comparison of Nonmydriatic Fundus Photography and Optical Coherence Tomography for Detection of Retinal Irregularities Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2013;54(2):1460-1468. doi:10.1167/iovs.12-10727 Figure Legend: Examples of false-negative cases for hyperreflective foci on nonmydriatic FP and 3D-OCT. (A–C) Color images graded as absent for pigmentary changes in the macula and OCT B-scans with definite/questionable hyperreflective foci (circle) in the outer nuclear layer in the same eye. (D) Color images graded as absent for exudates and OCT B-scans showed questionable hyperreflective foci (circle) in the inner retina in the same eye. (E) Color images of one eye graded as questionable abnormal retinal vessels (arrows). (F) Color image of one eye graded as questionable intraretinal hemorrhage (circle) and B-scan without visible chorioretinal changes in the corresponding area (circle). Date of download: 11/15/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.