Beyond the Basal Day #3 Literacy and Technology in the classroom Tami Dean & Dana Karraker
Today’s Outcomes View a model for our daily class opener Evaluate current technology practices Determine current knowledge about web literacy View a variety of online tools Play with tools
Course Tools VoiceThread of the Day Blog Wiki Chart
Continuum Fill out the continuum based on these factors: Kids need to use technology in meaningful ways Technology is used to deepen instruction 21st century literacies Knowledge about online tools Access to online tools Common Core
Web literacy What is web literacy? Why is it important? Connection to critical thinking Connections to Common Core?
Question 1 What is a URL?
URL - Uniform Resource Locator Answer URL - Uniform Resource Locator Source:
Identify these extensions and what they represent: Question 2 Identify these extensions and what they represent: .org .k12 .gov .com .edu .ac .net .mil .jp
Answers Extensions .org - organization .k12 - school .gov - government .com - commerce .edu - college .ac - academic .net - business .mil - U. S. military .jp - Japan
List as many major search engines as you can Question 3 List as many major search engines as you can
Answers Google Alta Vista Quintura for Kids Quintura Kartoo Meta-Search Engines Dogpile Clusty Databases provided by libraries
How does a site get to the top of the search results in Google? Question 4 How does a site get to the top of the search results in Google?
Getting to the top of Google Answer Getting to the top of Google Google Bombing Ultimate popularity contest I’ll put your link on my page if you’ll put my link on yours Google Bombing story
Why is knowing this important? Question 5 What clues in a web address might indicate you are on a personal website? Why is knowing this important?
Answers Website clues Importance ~ or % users, members, people in URL Identifies the author and/or organization
Truncating Being able to read and truncate a URL allows you to get the full picture of the site Truncating example
An Example Another view of the Holocaust Is this a public or personal site?
More of Butz’s pages An article he published Let’s truncate and see what we can find Folders, folders, and more folders
Another Example Ever heard of Mechanical Marvels? What happens if we truncate this site? Moral of the story: Determine the source site
Question 6 How do you find the owner or publisher of a website? Why is it important to know these facts?
Website owner/publisher Answer Website owner/publisher Who Is MLK search Who Is Source The owner of this site
Answer Why is it important? MLK site screen shot Civil Rights Library screen shot Rosa Parks screen shot Students have to be able to determine the validity and viewpoint of sites- CCR
Question 7 How do you find the history of any given website? OR What do you do if the site is no longer available?
Answer Website history Wayback Machine at Look at in the Wayback Machine results What do you know now? Up since 1999 Change in design to appeal to kids
Remember Google Bombing? Google Martin Luther King, Jr. Let’s look again Google: MLK
Resources November Learning Courses on Internet Literacy for $19.95
What tools can we use? As you explore, fill in the chart with ideas on how each tool can be used
Web 2.0 Participatory Culture & the Power of the Network Collaboration Creation Connection
Literacy and Literacy Instruction are changing The use of Web 2.0 tools affects both the learning and teaching environment. Literacy instruction is no longer limited to paper and pencil, basals, and books. Today's student in accustomed to being a producer of text, not just a passive consumer. Students have to "shut down" to come to school Web 2.0 tools provide authentic literacy learning experiences for students Students can have a world-wide audience Students can collaborate with students from anywhere in the world Web 2.0 tools are designed to be easy to use, produce, edit, create, and share
Digital Literacy in Action Response to reading Digital literacy in “real” classrooms
Some tools to explore Diigo Audioboo Glogster Ning Animoto Dipity Voicethread Mindomo Mind 42 Yodio XtraNormal
Some more spaces… Google Docs Our course wiki for links: Tech tools
Putting it all together Common Core: Where does technology literacy fit in? Baby Steps
3-2-1 Review 3- Three things you learned 2- Ideas to try As you leave…. 3- Three things you learned 2- Ideas to try 1- One question you have about Web Tools