Easy ActiveX Access to Pathway Servers TIC Server Object Gateway
TIC Server Object Gateway Easy-to-use, object-oriented tool for creating client/server Pathway applications Provides Pathway access to any application supporting ActiveX Controls Compatible with a wide range of popular desktop development tools Creates clients without requiring extensive Pathway development expertise ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Himalaya NonStop Server SOG development environment object manager Designer ActiveX controls Dictionaries & Pathway servers SOG runtime application application user ActiveX controls ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Sharable, reusable objects Enables developers to generate ActiveX objects (known as Service Objects) for use in client applications Service Objects encapsulate, in reusable code, various Pathway transaction services that can be executed from the client side ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Sharable, reusable objects continued Allows developers to access server-based DDL (Data Definition Language) dictionaries and use DDL structures to create the Service Objects Combines service Objects into SOG application objects. SOG applications group the Service Objects that need to work within the same TMF transaction ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Sharable, reusable objects continued Maintains reusable Service Objects in a centralized database. There they can be accessed by multiple developers using a range of desktop tools to build numerous applications ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Features Requires no changes to existing Pathway servers Manages TMF transaction invocations Provides automatic data conversion Allows communication with multiple Pathway environments on multiple Himalaya servers Supports Unsolicited Messages ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Features continued Provides highly resilient TCP/IP connections that are highly scalable Has security option for each send to a server Creates code fragments for Visual Basic, Visual C++ and PowerBuilder ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Features continued Provides migration path for Pathway Open Environment Toolkit (POET) applications POET host data migration tool included Includes tools to ease client application deployment Provides a support utility to simplify gateway configuration and administration and to validate proper installation ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway SOG Application Entities Applications Comprised of 1 or more service objects Manage link to NSK host Manage TMF transactions Watch for Unsolicited Messages ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway SOG Application Entities continued Service Objects Comprised of a request and reply elementary fields Manage sends to Pathway servers Elementary fields Are ActiveX properties - Get and Set them Data conversion is done for each ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway No need to deal with cumbersome API calls API example (i.e., using POET) PoetCreateDCPathwayLink( commw, NULL, “SogExamVC”, “C:\\dc\addc.dc” ) PoetWTSendToService (commw, “AddContVC”, SendData, SendLength, ReceiveData, ReciveLength, &Error) ActiveX methods and properties m_SogConnect.CreateLink(“SogExamVC”, &success) m_pSogLink->EstablishLink() m_pSogLink->CreateServiceObject("AddContVC", "", &success) m_ pAddContact ->SetReq_request_type(900) m_pAddContact->Send() ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Architecture Client Application NonStop Server PC Pathway Servers COM PWSvrLnk-Server SogConnect SogGateway TCP\IP Sogdb-server SOG Application Type Library SOG Application Data Conversion File SOG Host Database Application Pathway Server Information Service Object Information ITUG 98
TIC Server Object Gateway Web usage issues Standard Web usage of SOG NT Server CGI or ASP SOG NT Server Microsoft IIS CGI or ASP SOG Browser SogConnect ActiveX control and DLLs installed once User PC Browser Web enable Pathway applications easily with Microsoft IIS and SOG SOG ITUG 98