3.1 Types of Servers
What You Need To Know application database hypervisor
File/print Application Database Web Mail Hypervisor
Hardware also runs special server software to manage services
LAN Example Client Devices WAP Switch Server
Web Server Database Server Logon Server File Server Print Server
Local Area Network Wide Area Network (eg the Internet) Server Farm Mail Server Firewall Web Server Client Devices
Server-based processing is… ‘Remote’ Data Centre Client
Server-based processing is… Secure Data Centre Client
Server-based processing is… Reliable Backups Updates Data Centre Client
Server-based processing is… ‘Scalable’ Data Centre Server Client
Server-based processing is… General Advantages Server-based processing is… ‘Remote’ Processing done on different site Secure Only authorised access Backups Reliable Updates ‘Scalable’ Expand with demand
File/print Application Database Web Mail Hypervisor
Stores large number of files for an organisation File Server Stores large number of files for an organisation Also controls security, such as access rights to files Finally, handles backups in case of accident or disaster
Manages queue of docs for printing Print Server Manages queue of docs for printing So shares load of print requests across available devices Controls access to printers for users & routes docs to devices
Installs, updates & controls access to programs Application Server Installs, updates & controls access to programs Includes basic applications such as word processor or email But also specialised software, such as for financial staff only
Manages security & updates to large databases Database Server Manages security & updates to large databases For example in a school, security means controlling access to staff So teachers update registers & office staff update financial data
Web Server
Stores all files for a website Web Server Stores all files for a website Sends them when user’s browser sends a request for the website Web server then sends the site’s files using the HTTP protocol
Stores & forwards emails like an electronic post office Mail Server Stores & forwards emails like an electronic post office Data traffic controlled by protocols, eg SMTP (send) & POP (receive) But email traffic is not immediate like instant messaging or ‘chat’
Software that allows a host machine to run guest machines Hypervisor Server Software that allows a host machine to run guest machines Acts like a ‘supervisor’ that shares resources between the guest machines eg different OS